What Weed Strain Made You Some MAD Cash?


New Member
you want people to openly talk about how much money they make and then show pics of the money with the weed on top. ?


Well-Known Member
yeah dude please change your name your like a red beacon calling all leos to your attention.

This site is not about making money off of weed, it is about cultivating and smoking weed man, for yourself, not to make cash.:weed:

So get that name changed, and be careful, leo DO lurk these forums.


Active Member
one thing I have learned is in MN you need to start plants early and get early finishing strains. I will be researching that for next year.

I also lost my partner in the business to his wifes divorce so selling will be a bit ch. He has all the highroller contacts. I'm taking every ones advice on here and choosing not to deal with him because of the divorce.

Like every one says: Bitches be crazy


Well-Known Member
None of them, because I spend so much money (but waaay less then when I had to buy pot) in making the best smoke for myself that I would lose money if I ever sold my stuff. Don't bother me tho, cause i'm happy to smoke it all myself :)


Well-Known Member
None of them, because I spend so much money (but waaay less then when I had to buy pot) in making the best smoke for myself that I would lose money if I ever sold my stuff. Don't bother me tho, cause i'm happy to smoke it all myself :)
LOL, I'm with ya. I have to quit staying up late and buying stuff on eBay for my grows. After about two grand, I have all I need. Started soil, finishing that up and moving on to hydro. If I ever grow a elbow or more a cycle, then I'll consider a sale.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I'm with ya. I have to quit staying up late and buying stuff on eBay for my grows. After about two grand, I have all I need. Started soil, finishing that up and moving on to hydro. If I ever grow a elbow or more a cycle, then I'll consider a sale.
Tell me about it, I got more seeds then I could grow in this lifetime, and I just know something new and amazing will come out next month that i'll have to have seeds for.


Well-Known Member
The Ultimate - that's what you want. High Yield while retaining very high quality due to primo genetics. Check it at dutch passion seeds...


Well-Known Member
I'm odd that I put potency and quality waay above yield. Sure I need a lot for my use but at the same time I need quality more than anything being the potsnob i am.


Well-Known Member
PPP is good, so is papaya, mango. Good quality strains, huge colas. I've actually had the mango, grown locally by someone else that I stumbled upon. It smells like mango fruit and a nice musky hash, the buzz is strong cerebal with some body high, and the colas get huge as hell. Has anyone here grown Mango before? What was your opinion on the grow if so? I'd have to say as a consumer smoker, it was the best weed I've had in awhile. As a grower, I'm dying to try it, but I hear the breeder, Kc Brains, has barely viable seeds....


Well-Known Member
Seedsman Skunk #1 if you want "high producing psychadelic heady". Great plant for production and quality 11 weeks.

Anita Bhonghitt

Active Member
PPP is good, so is papaya, mango. Good quality strains, huge colas. I've actually had the mango, grown locally by someone else that I stumbled upon. It smells like mango fruit and a nice musky hash, the buzz is strong cerebal with some body high, and the colas get huge as hell. Has anyone here grown Mango before? What was your opinion on the grow if so? I'd have to say as a consumer smoker, it was the best weed I've had in awhile. As a grower, I'm dying to try it, but I hear the breeder, Kc Brains, has barely viable seeds....

Yes, I can confirm that KC Brains Mango is the real deal! People just rag on his gear because it is so cheap, but in reality, it the best value out there.