What went wrong,,?


Active Member
Hi hope all is well,,,
have done an hybrid salt tek using powdered mimosa ,followed the method accurately , appart from letting the naptha evaporate instead of the freezer method,,,
This is the result,,,F5D37D21-173A-4BE9-858F-BCD9497A17B2.jpeg

So,, what have i got here ? Is it safe to try ? Not really want to take chances with anything involving caustic soda.,,I have heard the term jungle spice,,but would appreciate if anyone has had similar results,,,can It be cleaned up,,or just bin it. ? There are various bits in there from the environment,,but I am more bothered about the general result,,,
Any advice, ideas ,,,thanks
I’d scrape it out and let it dry, then look at it when it does. Looks like somewhat of a crystalline structure only melted down so a good amount of separation did occur. You could weigh it to get an idea of how contaminated it is after dry. I’d be hard pressed not to try it if it were me. Cheers
I'd try mixing some water in it to clean up the contamination and use your naptha to pull the DMT out of it. That looks like you pulled some of the slurry when when pulled the naptha out. Mine was a pale yellow to a white powder
Thanks for reply,@rkron0413 , yeah its the colour that is worrying me,,I was really careful not to pull the slurry, and the naptha looked clean ,maybe a bit cloudy but just put that down to the dmt,,but like you say some of the slurry could have sneaked through, but the liquid only darkened when left out to evaporate,,should have done the freezer method maybe!
will have a go cleaning it up,,,thanks all
the photo you have sent is not OK to smoke. Do not smoke it! Re-X and see what you get, also did you put this in the freezer? How long did you let it wait in each state? Maybe walk me trough a little bit because its preatty hard to fuck up teks
should have done the freezer method maybe!
If you are not using the freezer that will take a lot of time. Like a lot, how long has it been since you left it at room temp for evap? But that thing looks wrong naptha should not look like that jungle spice is more yellow oily spice but yours is not even spice just plant oils and lye (what it looks like to me)
@shroomhaze hey man appreciate it,,
I was actually starting to think the naptha was not the right stuff,,because I did the same tek a couple times with same issue
First time the freezer method did not yield crystals , but i put that down to the freezer not being cold enough,,,?

I did follow the hybrid salt tek bang on ,was quite anal about it,,,but second time just left it out to evaporate for weeks,,,the colour only darkened as it evaporated,,

am away to find the type on naptha i bought as am away from home,,,,,thanks

bought in spain,,,NAFTA ,
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@MY OWN DANK thanking you, will have a look at Gordotek, definitely need to ,start again,, cheers
Just looked on YouTube...they've taken it down...again...and again...but can be found several other places online shouldn't be hard to find...if you have MHRB...mimosa hostilis root bark...and can follow instructions to make chocolate chip cookies...you can perform this tek with great success...100grams of bark will yield abt 2-3grams of Deemer...pretty much a lifetime supply for real...I mean 30mgs will break you through...and I doubt you'll wanna go back in again for a while....its pretty intense bro...its like a bungee jump into psychedelic madness of which you have no idea what's gonna be waiting for you in there
Once you have the deemer in the naptha....throw it in freezer it'll crystallize on side of glass...pour off naphtha n collect xtals

You could try n clean it up with heptane...

I would definitely not smoke that stuff....:spew:

You may get an experience you don't want