What went wrong?

Hello all,

Im 6 weeks deep into flowering 5 white widow ladies. 4 look normal but one looks... Retarded.

The buds arent the slightest bit dense and are oddly nubby. So can anyone please tell me what the heck happened here?

The lower pop corn buds look normal but the main colas are just.... Yeah



Well-Known Member
Firstly, it always helps to turn off LED or HPS lights when taking pics. But, if that is the only plant in your garden with those issues and they have all been treated the same...my 1st thought is your LED 'footprint' is less than sufficient for a grow that size...OR maybe just a genetically fucked up seed.

Good Luck and Great Growz!


Well-Known Member
HMMM...the only thing I see that concerns me here...is an over-worried parent. She has a lot of white hairs which indicates you are a good 2-3 weeks at least until she is finished. Typically budz will fatten as they become more mature. Not to worry...she will be fine.