What will the internet be like in ten years?

If you think it takes 333 pages of lawyer speak to tell everyone that they have to treat all data the same and that this bill doesn't put government in control of the information and flow of net traffic, then I have a bridge to sell you.

Much easier than burning books.
If you think it takes 333 pages of lawyer speak to tell everyone that they have to treat all data the same and that this bill doesn't put government in control of the information and flow of net traffic, then I have a bridge to sell you.

Much easier than burning books.

we're all tired of your ridiculous shitty conspiracy theories that never pan out, like when you called a food safety bill "complete corporate takeover of the food supply" and said farmer's markets and backyard gardens would be illegal.

remember that? that was almost 5 years ago.

This is the first step to complete corporate takeover of the food supply.

how'd that conspiracy theory work out for ya, princess?

yep, you're fucking dumb. go away.
If you think it takes 333 pages of lawyer speak to tell everyone that they have to treat all data the same and that this bill doesn't put government in control of the information and flow of net traffic, then I have a bridge to sell you.

Much easier than burning books.
If you think it takes 333 pages of lawyer speak to tell everyone that they have to treat all data the same and that this bill doesn't put government in control of the information and flow of net traffic, then I have a bridge to sell you.

Much easier than burning books.
Lawyer speak is a necessary evil unfortunately, with presidents who overstep their boundaries and a legislature that does nothing. Lawyer speak can eliminate loopholes or enable them, it depends on who is writing the draft.
Lawyer speak is a necessary evil unfortunately, with presidents who overstep their boundaries and a legislature that does nothing. Lawyer speak can eliminate loopholes or enable them, it depends on who is writing the draft.
That's just the law, By the time it all gets implemented it will likely fill volumes and volumes. I mean the law to let government tax your income is only several sentences, yet the implementation of that law fills over 11,000 pages of income tax regulation. Likely a 333 page law will enable 500,000 pages of regulations.
That's just the law, By the time it all gets implemented it will likely fill volumes and volumes. I mean the law to let government tax your income is only several sentences, yet the implementation of that law fills over 11,000 pages of income tax regulation. Likely a 333 page law will enable 500,000 pages of regulations.

shut the fuck up, all of your conspiracy theories fail because you are a retarded person.
That's just the law, By the time it all gets implemented it will likely fill volumes and volumes. I mean the law to let government tax your income is only several sentences, yet the implementation of that law fills over 11,000 pages of income tax regulation. Likely a 333 page law will enable 500,000 pages of regulations.
"This is no more a plan to regulate the Internet than the First Amendment is a plan to regulate free speech. They both stand for the same concept." -Tom Wheeler
ok here's what one of my friends told me about internet ....where i live, my state is divided by few internet supplying companies ... and they not try to mess each other territories i should say ... funny as this sounds i check that and this is kinda truth ... what else he told me is that , those companies will try to pass the law or something like that , that normal user will pay monthly fee for usage , kinda like cellphone plan but for internet... now we pay flat fee and we can surf internet as much as we want to ... in next few years it's going to be let's say 19.99$ for 10 gigs or some shit IDK... i'm just guessing but i wrote that to give u idea ... what else my buddy said is ... if u going to be a website owner they will slow down ur web site on purpose and u will have to pay extra to load it quicker ... as we know ... people this days when they surfing internet and website loading to long , they don't wait and simply bouncing to the next web page ....
So that is what i've heard u guys ... o yea and my buddy .... the one i heard this from working in one of those companies ... he work's in their corporate and is pretty up there in it ... but what he said ... they pushing for that law to pass .... is it gonna pass? I don't know... but that's what they r aiming for...
I thought that this is worth shearing with mu RUI family:mrgreen:
The Internet has been fixed so that is will NOT change. Your mind has been misled by propaganda on this subject.

The FCC acting enables the Internet to stay exactly as it is now . . . But you know . . . 'Obamacare for the Internet.'

Wow. Just wow.
Barney Frank, whom is even more liberal than anyone... he is the epitome of a Retarded Liberal whom wants government control in everything, he thinks big government is grand...
You agree with Barney Frank...
I don't agree with him on anything...
You want more government control
You want your political hacks elected to give this too you
The idiot republickers also, want more tax, because they are now insiders
You are a government worker, you like the government
as it gets bigger, bloated, and reaches deeper into your pocket, you don't even feel it
Because you are brainwashed to believe BIG Government will protect you from the big business....

You have bought into the lie
Sorry, one day, you'll see the whole picture, from all angles not just your tiny perceptions
Net Neutral is a Tax on you the consumer, by the government, to build a new 'watchdog' agency

Old Taxes never go away enjoy your life of tax paying misery

Have a nice tax paying life
Barney Frank, whom is even more liberal than anyone... he is the epitome of a Retarded Liberal whom wants government control in everything, he thinks big government is grand...
You agree with Barney Frank...
I don't agree with him on anything...
You want more government control
You want your political hacks elected to give this too you
The idiot republickers also, want more tax, because they are now insiders
You are a government worker, you like the government
as it gets bigger, bloated, and reaches deeper into your pocket, you don't even feel it
Because you are brainwashed to believe BIG Government will protect you from the big business....

You have bought into the lie
Sorry, one day, you'll see the whole picture, from all angles not just your tiny perceptions
Net Neutral is a Tax on you the consumer, by the government, to build a new 'watchdog' agency

Old Taxes never go away enjoy your life of tax paying misery

Have a nice tax paying life
Someone hasn't been reading.
Barney Frank, whom is even more liberal than anyone... he is the epitome of a Retarded Liberal whom wants government control in everything, he thinks big government is grand...
You agree with Barney Frank...
I don't agree with him on anything...
You want more government control
You want your political hacks elected to give this too you
The idiot republickers also, want more tax, because they are now insiders
You are a government worker, you like the government
as it gets bigger, bloated, and reaches deeper into your pocket, you don't even feel it
Because you are brainwashed to believe BIG Government will protect you from the big business....

You have bought into the lie
Sorry, one day, you'll see the whole picture, from all angles not just your tiny perceptions
Net Neutral is a Tax on you the consumer, by the government, to build a new 'watchdog' agency

Old Taxes never go away enjoy your life of tax paying misery

Have a nice tax paying life
You have no idea what you are talking about
Barney Frank, whom is even more liberal than anyone... he is the epitome of a Retarded Liberal whom wants government control in everything, he thinks big government is grand...
You agree with Barney Frank...
I don't agree with him on anything...
You want more government control
You want your political hacks elected to give this too you
The idiot republickers also, want more tax, because they are now insiders
You are a government worker, you like the government
as it gets bigger, bloated, and reaches deeper into your pocket, you don't even feel it
Because you are brainwashed to believe BIG Government will protect you from the big business....

You have bought into the lie
Sorry, one day, you'll see the whole picture, from all angles not just your tiny perceptions
Net Neutral is a Tax on you the consumer, by the government, to build a new 'watchdog' agency

Old Taxes never go away enjoy your life of tax paying misery

Have a nice tax paying life

you are literally a retarded person.
"This is no more a plan to regulate the Internet than the First Amendment is a plan to regulate free speech. They both stand for the same concept." -Tom Wheeler
The first amendment is one sentence long and places a restriction on government, not citizens.