I will ask them why they moved here but I will not ask them about politics. Their political beliefs are none of my concern nor are the black, Asian or Mexican families who live in my neighborhood. My neighborhood is very tight nit we gather at someone's house more than once weekly. Politics usually is not talked about but when it is. the Mexican family, Asian family & black family have all said they support president Donald Trump and think that the Democrats and the media are pushing this country apart and they are sick of the hatred coming from that political side. They often mock the Democrats especially the black & Mexican family. The father of the black family even went as Donald Trump and no one in my gentrified neighborhood had a bad taste in their mouth about it. That was until the black father went into the all white part of the town, he told us how white people called him a race traitor and all kinds of racist remarks. He enlightened us about one home who had a black lives matter sign a long with a hate has no home here sign. The young white woman spit on him while the young white man proceeded to call him all types of derogatory racist names. Kind of sad really, especially coming from white people who identify as liberal. He has it all on video and showed us all! I was applaud at the way the white liberal folks treated that man of color with his wife and children. Even though their dad was trying to play it off as a joke so their daughter would not be afraid. Their 4 year old daughter was horrified! The sad part about it is the white people who called a black man dressed as trump a racist, race traitor etc, their son is in her class. They have sense taken their daughter out of that school and have enrolled her in a beautiful private school.. when I asked him why he did not bring this attention too the police he told me. My young friend, I'm afraid if I bring this to the police it will just make things worse for my family and the others in our neighborhood. It's a sad day when a man of color is afraid to report racist people to the police out of fear of the white Democrats in his neighborhood! He said next time he has to go over too that part of town he will be carrying his firearm because he is afraid for his life! He said if his family was not there with other witnesses around he thought they would have hurt him or worse, kill him for being a black man dressed as President Trump. He said they came running out of the house like rabid animals and the wife was foaming at the mouth. It's not funny by any means, it's sad that people are like that to each other. It was funny af seeing that woman screech at the top of her lungs calling a black man racist.
This is why I dont vote for anyone and dont do politics at all! They are too busy robbing people blind and lying on both sides just to win an election. Instead of actually doing any good for communities and keeping up on their promises they wont work with each other to get things done. They dont tackle the issues at hand. both sides would rather lie, cheat and steal all while trying too devide us based on race, religion, sexual orientation, age, income, political beliefs etc, etc. They all act like they are better than the next person and should live our lives as Americans based on their screwed up design. Truth is, they all are horrible and immoral people on ever which side. This is why I will never vote for any party I dont care if you're a democrat, independent or Republican! No one will get my vote not one single person! It's also not just me. There are way too many others out there who are not voting based on these simple facts. Most people are just fed up with politics in general! They dont want anyone to win the 2020 election.