What works best to take down cotton mouth?


Active Member
Cotton mouth has always bothered me. Any quick fixes for it besides chugging a shit ton of water and/or other beverages? Until ideas get posted I'm gonna do my best to get some cotton mouth goin on so I can try them out.. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
lol was gona say some water.. but thats obvious...but there is no otherway to hydrate besides drinking...


Active Member
ok so do you know what causes it? and is there any way of taking in marijuana without causing it too much?


Well-Known Member
cotton mouth is just your mouth being dry. It wont happen if you just have a cup of water while you're smoking. And if you can't do that just drink some water. Theres nothing better to hydrate yourself than water


Willie North

Well-Known Member
when im at partys and I chew gum after burning a few Js and such
I find that the gum dosent help at allllll
may just be the type of gum I always have
I always keep a pack of gum on me, never know !