What would a TRUMP! Presidency look like?

and now with the excuses. it's your story bro, tell it how you want to.

reasons and excuses are different things. i listed the reason why you are incapable of understanding why something is racist, and it is because you are too dumb and racist to understand.

it would be like explaining to a mentally retarded person why they are mentally retarded, they just aren't capable of understanding.

btw, that was an analogy, not an excuse. i know you have trouble calling things what they are, so i preempted your confusion this time.
reasons and excuses are different things. i listed the reason why you are incapable of understanding why something is racist, and it is because you are too dumb and racist to understand.

it would be like explaining to a mentally retarded person why they are mentally retarded, they just aren't capable of understanding.

btw, that was an analogy, not an excuse. i know you have trouble calling things what they are, so i preempted your confusion this time.
if calling names makes you feel better about yourself and justifies you not having to be an adult in this context, continue to do so. i support you right to do so. need a hug?
if calling names makes you feel better about yourself and justifies you not having to be an adult in this context, continue to do so. i support you right to do so. need a hug?

i am not "namecalling", i am using words to label things correctly.

i am wearing grey shorts right now. if someone said, "hey, those are grey shorts", i would not get upset like you are doing right now.

you are a racist, so i am labeling you properly as such. stop whining o much about it, ya racist.
if reductive thinking works for you, keep doing it. i support your right to vote as you choose.
more like deductive reasoning

You see trump and come up with the theory that he's not racist maybe because he speaks to your animated level versus
The theory that he is racist and simple confirmation.
He is Racist not to mention egotistical.
End of story.
On the other hand Hillary is a scheming two faced bitch she needs to get replaced with bernie
I think he is giving you shit. Lol.

Also this I found for you.

what about when he wasn't talking to me and said he doesn't take anything black people say seriously because they are black?

can you find it in your sad, vile little heart to muster up the wherewithal to apologize for, defend, and excuse yet another racist?

How about health care? Recently Trump said he would repeal the ACA and replace it with something "great" that would be "much cheaper".

That sounds good, doesn't it?