What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Don't Bogart

Well-Known Member
This is worms in his head.
OH. Segue. This reminds me of a guy I worked with. Super nice. From the south. Everybody loved him. BUT! He told me a fishing story. A buddy challenged him to eat one of the bait fish and he did. Ended up with trichinosis in his eyes. When they would break out he could literally see them squiggling around in his eyesight. He would take something like strychnine which would cause the worms to go into hibernation for a few years. couldn't get rid of them though.


Well-Known Member
that's 30 miles from me, and i didn't hear a damn thing about it till yesterday....we get to hear bullshit stories about tourism and what they're doing next at dollywood...the local press sucks ass
Dude it's little Caesars, they get robbed weekly most places. Normally by employees.


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Well-Known Member
I remember hearing about this a decade ago, from my uncle who peddled celestial forgiveness in the region for 25+ years. Just now realizing that it made international news at the time.
