What would be the 1 tip you'd give to a newbie grower?


Well-Known Member
yooo keep an eye on the P.H and dont over water motha fucka and humidity while flower is bad and get some jars ready haha


Well-Known Member
BETS TIP EVER: research someone's gallery & posts before heeding their "advice"

There's lots of "know it alls" growing bullshit buds. Think they read a book or 2 and all of a sudden they are pros. ha ha ha.

rep bar is bullshit. post count is bullshit.
if their kung fu is true the pictures don't lie.




Active Member
Get a fan that will take all the stagnent air out off the grow area.if the grow area is only small a simple bathroom fan will do the trick only if the room is small and you are growing on a small scale.don't be diss heartened if the first yeiled is not very big make notes keep them somewhere safe so you can look back and see where you went wrong and most important where you went right.but when makeing notes never date anything or the police can do you for past grows.and don't think that you need everything that is on sale in your local hydrophonic grow shop.all you need is a good veg feed and a good bloom feed a little extra boost like buddy helps so this is worth a try.but the no1 thing that i would tell any newbie is tell no one about your grow not anyone not friends family no one.
fans also help excercise the stems. without excercise they wont be strong enough to hold bud


Active Member
I can't believe this hasn't been said yet, but DON'T OVERWATER. Probably the #1 newb mistake.

More importantly, LEARN from your mistakes. Try not to make them twice.

And don't trust anecdotal advice from just one person, especially on RIU. Compare multiple methods and decide for yourself.

Sorry, I guess that was more than one thing. Don't Overwater!
doesnt this go without saying?


Active Member
the name given this plant is weed, will grow under most conditions, but light is very important, and Dont harvest early, if it looks ripe, let it go a few weeks more, what most say dont do i have done and my plant servived, may not best for plant or yeild but the plant just adapted and continued to grow, don't try to be a pro. grow on

theres such a thing as over maturing 2 ya kno

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Here's "one".
L.O.W. T.H.C. !!!!

Every time you enter your room you should check the status of all of these.
Your room will definitely need many manipulations untill you dial it in.

Light coverage/penetration
Oxygen availability(roots)
Water Ph
Temperature in low 80's high 70's
Humidity below 50%
Co2 availability (leaves)

If you don't stay on top of these you will have LOW THC. :wink: