What would Hank Hill Do? Grilling in the GrowRoom


Well-Known Member
Ok here's a stoner question @ the ass crack of dawn for everyone that hit me after looking around to buy a C02 Generator last night. If the damn thing runs off propane, and all it does is burn it off and get C02 as a byproduct. Would it not be feasable to fire up the propane grill for long enough to do a batch of burgers. What effect is known from grilling meat within 15 foot of your plants?
Could you just fire the grill off solo? Not cooking on it? Is the damn Coleman camping grill in the garage a C02 generator in disguise? Am I really fucking high off this White Widow and rambling at 5 am ish again?

Just Something to ponder over your morning bowl...


Well-Known Member
I think your high...LOL if your gonna run an open flame in your grow room unsupervised. I can hear the fire engine from here. nice trip though.


Well-Known Member
Propane only produces co2 when burned CLEANLY. If it does not have the right o2 to propane ratio, it will produce deadly CO gas. Co2 generators are precision pieces of equipment that are designed to control the o2 ratio and control the burn. They also have safety sensors integrated that make sure they will not produce an unsafe situation.
Of course, this isn't even considering the fire hazard...


Well-Known Member
Make your own co2 man
Get a 2L pop bottle (or any size bottle,im using a 2L) fill it jsut a bit above half way up wit luke warm watter
get some yest put in 1-2 teaspoons
and add 1/2 a cup of sugar
attach a hoze to the lid of the bottle make sure its air tight(i burned myne threw)
and put the nd hoze in some watter untill you see air bubbles comin up then it is readdy to use.
it might take up to 24 hours to start the bubbleing so be patient.
and remember the yest lives off of sugar so if you want more buble add more sugar:)


Well-Known Member
Nope the setup wouldn't be supervised. I guess the only way to find out is get a co2 generator, and check the ppms after it cycles, and check a grill for ppms until it cycles as high as the generator. Then i can pick it apart and check it out. Been smokin some AK47 and White Widow blends so i'm all space cadet'd out. See how sticky my fingers are? Kickoff's @ 6:30, Roll Tide


Well-Known Member
Nope the setup wouldn't be supervised. I guess the only way to find out is get a co2 generator, and check the ppms after it cycles, and check a grill for ppms until it cycles as high as the generator. Then i can pick it apart and check it out. Been smokin some AK47 and White Widow blends so i'm all space cadet'd out. See how sticky my fingers are? Kickoff's @ 6:30, Roll Tide
Who's in charge of shampooing those knuckles hairs??? Looks like a full time job.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Do you really wanna breath all that burnt fat, grease and oils? Then have your plants breath it.

Good way to get carbon monoxide poisoning...


Well-Known Member

This shit's more insulting than the hairy knuckles comment, I could laugh at myself for that one... This is just unforgivable! You and my wife both share low standards as fans of this vet school, lol ;)

No cooking involved that was the joking part, but i was serious about using a clean new gas grill.