The 4 day 4/10 work week is nothing new,its just that now that the government is adopting it the media has caught on,the 4/10 work week has been being forced upon areas of the construction industry for years at the behest of greedy management fucks,there is nothing good that can be gained by adopting this work schedule & has been used to leverage away any rights of overtime pay but still require the worker to be on the job 5 days a week.
If you work outdoors & your job is effected by the weather do not fall for this shit because it will bite you in the ass,if it rains & you cant work too damm bad,see ya on friday,if a truck load of needed material dont arrive on time & you cant work too damm bad,see ya on friday,if the tempature outside is too hot or cold to allow 10 hours too damm bad,see ya on friday.
This type bullshit also applies to factory workers,if a machine goes down too damm bad,see ya on friday.
The 4/10 work week is the 1st step in employee pasification passed off as a good thing,this does not apply to jobs where quality & job performance are not a requirement of keeping your job as is with 99% of government jobs.
The 4/10 work will not lead to better government services either, not one area of our government is honestly anserable to the people it serves,great they are open longer hours mon thru thursday but does anybody really believe that a bunch of lazy fucks who's job's are 100% protected as long as they show up for work are going to take up the added work,what we will have is government employees who are tired as hell tuesday through thursday,employees who now have reason to have even worse attitudes then they allready have & to top it all off another reason to have government services that cant be reached by telephone one more day a week,this day that the government phone lines are not in operation will only lead to chaos monday morning.
This 4/10 work week is being pushed by corporations & companies where the job requirements of the employees regulary lead to weekly overtime pay for the employee,is the savings in gasoline worth loosing any overtime pay,maybe so but in most cases it is not.
Before everybody jumps on this 4/10 bandwagon they'd better think how their employer can turn it against them,also if this issue is being brung to you by your company in hopes that the employees will vote to adopt the 4/10 schedule be very aware of clauses,these clauses are allmost allways included in the agreement & they most allways state that friday is a make up day in the event of the employees job not being able to be worked.
This generation of american worker is the first generation of worker in decades that cant expect to make a better living than their parents made & it's because of stupid shit like the 4/10 work week,once something is accepted by employers it is written in stone & will never be changed unless it benifits the employer,the next step to a 4/10 work agreement with employers is the addition of clasuses added at every contract negotiation,these clauses allmost allways have a negative effect on the workers yearly wage.