what would i end up with if i mated a shitload of unknown bagseed to make a mut?

unshaved pubes

New Member
say i get seeds from different dealers all of unknown bagseed and keep breeding the new plant with even more unknown plants over and over for a few years lol. predict what the mut would be like.. i might even name the straon after me, unshaved pubes!(itll have to be pretty hairy though)


Active Member
Youd end up with about the equivalent of mexican dirt weed if you just let them have at it. If you isolated them and bred them selectively, you could breed for certain traits. But just letting them do theyre own thing and hoping for greatness isnt a great course of action IMO.


Well-Known Member
a strain named after you would actually be pretty accurate, not the pubes part of course. take when your great grand parents, grand parents, and parents bred and generations before them bred...i doubt phenotype of offspring was thought of in the decision of breeding. more or less it was love or something of the nature. basically all offspring is random and not selective bred...you will get bad genetic traits along with the good. such as with any person...bad eyes, strong legs, fat, good ears, low iq, high stamina. there is no possible way to predict the outcome unless you knew the phenotypes of the bagseeds you were dealing with and had a balanced knowledge of breeding.


Haha there's not much logic behind your madness but I would like to comment on the "unknown" and "bag seed" breeding.

You never know how good the genetics are until they are cultivated correctly!! Just because some bag seed isn't the best smoke does not necessarily mean the genetics are poor.

Any plant needs to be grown in optimal conditions and then harvested/cured correctly to be given a fair shot.

Good luck and have fun at least!!