What would make the leaves do this?


Active Member
Some leaves came in deformed (5 blade on one side then 4 on the other, then the next node was 7 blade on one side then 6 on the other) and now the edges on the newer leaves look jagged and malformed. I'm wondering if it's a possible fertilizer problem or bug problem at the root level. Any information or ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks.



Well-Known Member
No man, Nothing to worry about. Its just the genetics.
We cant all be perfect ya know, neither can plants.


Active Member
I was also thinking genetics. It's Northern Lights x Purple Haze and the dude I got the seeds from said he even got a 9 blade leaf with this strain.


Well-Known Member
its cos this strain is cross bred for maximum thc components - nothing at all to worry bout - ur plant with have deformations but as long as it smokes nice and nice yield who cares!

goo luck


Well-Known Member
A 13 blade leaf would be good. Those curling deformed leaves are some kind of abnormality... that's not something I'd want going on. Chances are it is genetic and it may grow out it. The curling part may be too much heat as mentioned.


Active Member
Thanks for your input everyone. I'll try and keep the light a safe distance away. My only other problem right now which isn't really much of a problem; I put some poster board around the pot to trap as much light as possible around the plant and now my fan leaves are reaching the poster board so now I have to extend it. Does anybody know if its possible to tie the branches from the fan leaves up so they grow more upwards than outwards? Or maybe put like a cage around it like you would do with a tomato plant?


Well-Known Member
Sure. You can tie them up or down. Actually when my plants hit the wall I just lift the leaf so the top of the leaf is exposed to the light and rests on the wall.
For long term pruning is the way to go. To make a plant grow taller cut the tip of the side branches off after the first node. To make a plant shorter cut the top off and the side branches will grow out more.