What would you classify this bud as?

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Looks decent, hard to classify if quality is what you mean from a pic, but I like pale green buds like those, back here in the UK the price now is almost always £10 a gram regardless of quality.


Well-Known Member
No idea. Can't tell how potent it is or how smooth it smokes by looking at it. I could care less how the buds look, it's all about how they smoke and the effects. I'm not into "bag appeal", I grow for personal. If I have extra ill ask for a reasonable donation. If no one wants it, I just store away. But that's never been a problem. I have no guess as to what people would pay for that. If I was desperate I'd probably offer $100 a oz or less at the most.


New Member
medium grade........ you can't see any crystal on it. check out white widow about 25% thc. about $ 125 ounce in B.C.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
lmfao.....how would anyone know except the guy who tries it out first?
So then,, you grew it? How was the high? Last long? Get a headache? Or did it cure the headache?
If you've smoked the dank, then you should know it's quality in comparison.
Blah = make butter
Good = $10grm
NICE! = $15grm
WOW!! = $20grm

Bag appeal means nothing to the buyer the second time you see them if it wasn't good. In fact, you most likely won't see them again.
If it was bonified,,,,They'll call you!


New Member
Up here in Maine I'd say that would go for 40-45 for 3.5g. Looks pretty good to me. We have people that sell shit for 45 and others that sell straight chronic for 35... It's odd up here.