What would you do if you didn't have to work?


Well-Known Member
I never understood why anyone would not want to work ??

Mayabe not at their current jobs

But theirs always work to be done that I want to do myself , Yard work, work on the truck, Home improvement, Training/school
Yeah speed can do that to you.


Well-Known Member
What , not wanting to vedge infront of the TV all day with breaks to spend someone elses money(welfare) on junk food
Yeah because that's the only option besides working right..? I took the OP to mean jobs/careers not simple maintenance tasks like yard work and housekeeping.

If I didn't need to work I'd spend most of my time outdoors: hiking, camping, fishing, canoeing, gardening. I would probably start reading/writing more as well. I would not be sedentary :)


Well-Known Member
When I did work... I often wondered this...
I had to work cause I had to buy sheiot I didn't need...
Now I don't work... no money either...
So I only buy stuff to get buy...
I've learned to get buy on less..

So the real answer to op's question for me is:

"I'd learn to get by on less"

It's a great lesson to learn and use...


Well-Known Member
I love Belize. The most friendly and secular place on earth. Then you go to Guat or Hondi, and you see the sullen downtrodden demeanor from the Spanish rule. No smiles. Belize is rockin' with the smiles, from mountain to coast.

We were just getting anchored at one of those Cayes, but a very small one, completely alone. Only about 4-5 coconut trees. Well we forgot it was Sunday.

Two of those long outboard boats show up with about 20 people each! Picnic! They came over and invited us. Wow. Fun people.


Well-Known Member
After a long conversation with a rasta last night including the passing of a smoke or so, I found solidarity and the realization that the teachings of the descendant of Solomon are entirely compatible with my own views.