What would YOU DO in this situation?


Active Member
and you don't enter employment on your terms... if they feel that you've worked hard ennough to earn a commission, then they'll (prob not :P) give it to you. you don't get to decide that, it's plain stealing from the company. you get paid what they say you will, and that's what you're working for.
well i wasnt attempting to justify it, but rather pointing out that its not as bad as just taking the money.

oh, and from a lot of experience, i can tell you that a company will look at all of it's records to see where it can save money (especially at present!) and most of the companies i've worked for and with, they've always done monthly reviews, to see how much money their discounts are costng them etc, they HAVE to do it, else thay can't say how many discounts, how large etc, they can justify giving out, and this guys name is gonna be alongside an alarming number of discounts, hey, fishy?!? they'll get suspicious
assuming they are organized enough and keep good enough records to do so. meh i guess everyone including myself is doing a lot of assuming with little info.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
chances are, customer gives him cash straight in hand while he's on the shop floor, customer walks off, he goes over to till 5 minutes later to ring it in etc, rings it in as 80 and chucks the reciept in the bin. i've certainly dealt with customers who just want to put the money in your hand and get out of the building

and yes it's a lot easier to steal the money if you're the manager etc, noone really suspects you if they see you just jotting things down, till drawer open or whatnot. this guy is just a student working the odd day a week, he's no responsability, he couldn't give a f*** about the company. when i get new employee's in, more often or not theiyre cheap stuednt who do a couple of days a week, if they treat it as just another few pints at the end of the week etc, i'll have them straight out of the door

and yes, it's all assumption. all i can tell for sure is he's a student, so young, and it's a temp job, so he'll be nothing more than a shop salesperson or tillworker etc.


Well-Known Member
You sure your friend isn't just fuckin with you? I've never heard of a store where the salesman can reduce the price, but never earns a commision. It's probably legit but he's just screwin wiith you.


Well-Known Member
I know at some stores, like Lowes, and Home Depot, sales associates can lower a price on damaged goods....that's about it though.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
it depends what market you're in, but i know a lot of people and places with this type of situation. it depends on what the shop is though, if it's WHSmith, then no, chances are you're not gonna have staff who can lower prices :P


Well-Known Member
I don't see the problem.

He is basically making commission. The company is willing to accept x amount of money, he is a good enough sales person to get more than that price out of the customer.

My headshop has prices on their stuff and I usually pay full price because they are reasonable and I like the people. There is one dude that works there and he drops his pants everytime I walk in. He volunteerly lowers the price on everything. I am talking 75% off.

So who do you want working for you - The honest guy who sells everything for no profit; or the "dishonest" guy that sells for full price and keeps $20?


Active Member
Let the guy dig his own grave. I find that with regard to friends, always being on the moral high ground can be kind of lonely. If you really want to be technical about it; it could be said that you also are enjoying the benefits of his little cash operation, because you smoke his green. Maybe its time to consider the quality of your acquaintances more carefully. Weed can lead us to associating with people that we would not otherwise associate with. I think all drugs are this way, especially alcohol.


Well-Known Member
Let the guy dig his own grave. I find that with regard to friends, always being on the moral high ground can be kind of lonely. If you really want to be technical about it; it could be said that you also are enjoying the benefits of his little cash operation, because you smoke his green. Maybe its time to consider the quality of your acquaintances more carefully. Weed can lead us to associating with people that we would not otherwise associate with. I think all drugs are this way, especially alcohol.
Very good post. +rep

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i'd want the honest guy any day of the week.

cus the dishonet one, well it starts off as $20 to buy an 8th, next thing you know your company is being robbed of it equiptment, spirits etc etc. and as said, you can't just steal and think of it as justified commision. if he felt that his "commission" was so in the right, then goto the boss and say look, you want this, i can get this, let's work something out. that is generally how you go about bettering yourself moniterily when it comes to jobs, not doing stuff to get yourself fired.


Well-Known Member
surely there has to be some sort of receipt? only a fool would hand over $100 for something without a receipt.

i would probly just tell him to be careful, i dont see this as too outrageous as its really the big ass company he is ripping


Well-Known Member
surely there has to be some sort of receipt? only a fool would hand over $100 for something without a receipt.

i would probly just tell him to be careful, i dont see this as too outrageous as its really the big ass company he is ripping
We're assuming he works for a big company? So would it be more outrageous if he was working for a small, ma and pa shop...?

In my opinion...it doesn't matter who the hell your stealing from. Your still thief in my eyes.


Well-Known Member
We're assuming he works for a big company? So would it be more outrageous if he was working for a small, ma and pa shop...?

In my opinion...it doesn't matter who the hell your stealing from. Your still thief in my eyes.
yeah but its different to mug someone in the street and to rob a bank... i have different opinions on these 2 types of ppl, as i do with this guy.

end of the day he shouldnt be doing it but its not the OP place to say n e thing.

indy kuh

Active Member
how fucking old are you 15? Just shut up and stop being a pussy, you should be making a deal with him........tell him you'll start reffering his store to everyone and take 1/3 of the profit, that's what I'd do

haha right on bro


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the responses.

here's some more info.

It is NOT a big company.

As fas as i'm aware there are NO receipts given.

He told me he made £60 in one day.

I think it was tip top toker who said it begins at £20 for an eighth, then it can escalate if he continues to be successful.


Well-Known Member
what's for him'll no' go by him. if i was in the situation of the OP i'd casually but repeatedly remind him that the shit will end up hitting the fan. i would just keep putting a little doubt in his mind so he might choose to stop of his own accord. i wouldn't be looking to help the store out particularly, i'd be looking to protect my mate from himself.
Whatever works for you buddy.
I say let him be, its not hurting or helping you in anyway regardless of whether you say something or dont. So let the guy do his thing.

Btw, im new to rollitup.
So if anyone could explain this whole thing to me that'd be great.

Muchos graciasss.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
hope he keeps his job ,he'll be looking to steal from you next

here is the thread where indy kuh spills You WISh your mom was this cool