What would you do? this is fucked up....


Well-Known Member
10 plants tho u need to get those n move.
you can try that nice way... see if it works.
if not steal the shit out of him get ya plants back.
then grow inside. outside is too risky anyway too many factors.
yield aint shit if you gotta worry that somebody gonna steal ya shit.


Well-Known Member
Go to his door when talking to him, mention you know what hes doing, and that you expect him to stop give him a 100$ or so and be nice about it, that way no harms done and his respect for you will be larger :)


Well-Known Member
i gotta agree 110% with mclovin ... move the grow op in the middle of the night so he dont see it then get him on tape burglarising your house ... burglary will get him 5 years in the pen ... and the beauty of this is you wont have to beat his ass ... you can sit back and know that notonly will he get his fair share of ass woopins in 5 years but if he dont man up he will get jail poked as well ... and i know i would sleep alot better at night knowing that he was someones bitch


Well-Known Member
Go to his door when talking to him, mention you know what hes doing, and that you expect him to stop give him a 100$ or so and be nice about it, that way no harms done and his respect for you will be larger :)
So you're saying that he should go tell him he knows he's stealing, but that he should stop, and give him $100 and then expect him to respect you?? You can't be serious.


Well-Known Member
Look all you guys that are saying be nice, go talk to him, be respectful etc... I commend you on your inherent belief that man is good & will do the right thing but this is the real world & if he was a stand up fellow he wouldn't be B&Eing his neighbors house. That's some serous shit that could get a mother shot. If you go over there & tell that guy you now he has been breaking in & stealing your plants you will probably be fighting that cat. You only have 2 options in my opinion 1 move your grow & be glad you got out before some shit went down or move your grow & stick it to this ass clown. He'll do it again & the second you piss this guy off he's going to the cops. He needs a lesson in manners & the best teacher is the court system since his parents didn't teach him not to steal. They will hit him the one place you will never be able to his wallet. Remember to play by the rules & use the system to your advantage.


Well-Known Member
AMEN ... then sit back and relax ..... he will be busy gettin jail poked and you can go bang his wife while he's away ... wtf he stole yer girls you go steal his while hes busy paying his debt to society..
she will need a shoulder to cry on and you will be just the guy


Well-Known Member
Exactly, I have never not regretted being friendly to a neighbor, it always bites you in the ass in the end. They are either crazy, drunks, tweekers, or often all three.

Since you guys puffed with him, you should probably take the peace route.

Getting him busted would bring bad Karma to your garden.

I will someday be able to live where I can't see, hear, or smell my neighbors! Earthship in New Mexico...But a Ca 215 card sure makes staying easier. For now I consciously have little to do with my neighbors, I feel kinda bad, but it is for the best.
that's why I dont talk to my neighbors...

Change your locks, and move. That is your only option. What if he talks about it, and he will. If this is not a legal grow you could get screwed. Sour Diesel does not make me paranoid, but sometimes paranoia is a good thing. Be careful, and sorry about your loss, your neighbor sucks!


Well-Known Member
castration or turn him to nutes in your backyard, let winter pass, turn the soil and make some veggies come spring.. why would he take em if he gets smok3d out.. whatta dumbass


Well-Known Member
I would go over there and tell him u know whats up
pay him off with some hush hush weed every now and then
its really up 2 u tho
best of luck 2 u


Well-Known Member
i gotta agree 110% with mclovin ... move the grow op in the middle of the night so he dont see it then get him on tape burglarising your house ... burglary will get him 5 years in the pen ... and the beauty of this is you wont have to beat his ass ... you can sit back and know that notonly will he get his fair share of ass woopins in 5 years but if he dont man up he will get jail poked as well ... and i know i would sleep alot better at night knowing that he was someones bitch
nice solution!


Well-Known Member
Also i would plan 2 move after this harvest ,thats way 2 much money 2 b givin away

anyway good luck .i wish u the best


Active Member
Tonight, leave two ready to harvest plants outside of your house, and notify him that you'll be leaving for a long time, then, all you have to do is poision the buds, and when he smokes it (after dried) he'll be dead?

Would that work?


Well-Known Member
/////dam thats fucked up but i guess takin u shit is fucked aswell . I dont know if i would kill the guy
tonight, leave two ready to harvest plants outside of your house, and notify him that you'll be leaving for a long time, then, all you have to do is poision the buds, and when he smokes it (after dried) he'll be dead?

Would that work?


Well-Known Member
Just take all the precautions in the world for him to not get in again, remember the lesson, don't talk to your neighbors. Mine think I'm a crazy freakin bitch and wouldn't come near me or my house or my dogs I say screw the nice thing, that just means he can run all over you. I say get a tent like fdd and guard the shit. Get a gun and show it off to him. Hell show him the video and see what he's got to say for his low life self. Tell him he owes you a couple grand. and if you think there is the slightest possibilty that he will call move it if you can. No one wants to go to jail.


Well-Known Member
First, move your grow, then, watch his house, and when the opportunity presents itself, break into his crib, steal your shit back. Later, confront him, and break a few of his facial bones