What would you do with 100k?


Well-Known Member
Look for under funded inventors, make an equity investment. ;) Lot's of good deals out there and the returns should be awesome if you do your homework. Patents are good in the U.S. for 20 years and they can be willed or sold just like real goods. I have one U.S. patent myself with others pending. All legal and don't go up and down with the market unlike real estate. ;)
PM me if you need more info or ideas, Good luck!


New Member
I'd suggest you sit down with a professional investment guy and look into everything fully.

It's not as much as you think, and if you're careless....it'll be gone in no time.


Well-Known Member
100K? Have debt? Pay debt off. No debt? Put approx 25% in precious metals ( Gold/silver), 5% into guns and ammo ( Just in case), keep 3 months expenses in cash hidden away. Maybe short some stocks like HOG and perhaps purchase some blue chips with another 25%. i wouldn't buy real estate just yet, there is more trouble brewing and prices may go even lower. That mostly depends on your location though. Buying land that can support agricultural uses may be a good investment also.

With the left over money I would probably buy and install solar panels, Batteries and an inverter and would try to get off the grid as much as possible.

Put it in the bank, purchase a money market and most stock speculation in the long run with inflation running amok will turn your 100k of today into the 2 cents of tomorrow. There is no savings account in any bank that will earn you money, only lessen its demise of purchasing power from inflation.


Active Member
1.) Pay a lawyer to set up your collective in CA. - 3K
2.) Rent house from "sympathetic to the cause" owner. 1.5k/mo. 5 k move in cost with deposits.
3.) Buy gear. 6 K veg/flower set-up - 10K
5.) Profit


For $25k you could rent a premise, buy the gear, and hire the Mexicans to do a massive indoor grow.
Sheeit. I'll do it for 10k, and you'll make another 100 k. (prob more). THEN... and THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART: I'll show you how to wash the money, so that in the end, you have 100 grand, that came to you legitimately, another 100 + that came (not so legally), BUT, you would end up with 200 + thousand dollars, that NObody NO FUCKING BODY, could prove you did anything illegal in order to earn such a huge return on such a small investment. Now, do I really expect you to call me and ask me to do this for you? No. would I really do it if you were serious, had the cash and asked? maybe. maybe not.
But, if you're looking to do only legal stuff, DIVERSIFY, DIVERSIFY, and did I mention... diversify. a little rental house, bought with little, or (preferably) no money down. (I know, I know, but trust me. it's done every fuckin day. and this market is THE BEST market to buy real estate that we've seen for many MANY years. & once it's over, it'll be many more before we see another market so hospitable to home buyers/investors. Some SAFE stocks, (utilities, bonds, even cd's). a little riskier stuff, and a small amount of VERY risky stuff. (also, learn to trade currencies. not only is it fun, it's highly profitable. But, you can lose as much as you can earn if ya fuck up. you get the idea. :idea:

So, that said, may you be wise with your money. remember: easy money, is easy to throw away. Don't make the mistake that 99.9% of lottery winners make. i.e. end up broke in less than a year or 3. (that's no shit bro). :-)



Well-Known Member
I would move to Canada, meet the Prince of Pot and smoke a bowl with him. Then open a shop. And if I had money left over I would open up a small school to teach people how to grow pot. I already have the supplies for growing. Lol.
what i would not do??? ask a bunch of stoners how to spend my money haha jk.
- i would also nott jump right into real estate, yes its at historic lows, but that does not mean much. real estate prices in recent years were based on a bubble, with adjusted risk evaluations now being donee.... be careful where u put your money.
- gold? maybe, but we may have missed that bus.
- put it in a saving account? that will not make you any money. the interest will protect you from inflation...... maybe. (inflation is likely to go wayy up)
- bonds- yes
- apple stock- always a winner

- spending a little bit of that money to speak with a financial advisor...... priceless


Well-Known Member
I would say pay your bills off. Then no bills and thats good. If it were me I would use the money to get off the grid, then you have very little in utilities and thats better. Buy lots a food, a couple a guns and ammo.
Live the rest of my days off my legalish weed sales.Lol... It will be legal everywhere soon enough.So......Whatever.
Me and mine are working on just this, as we speak. Not a bad dream..IMHO.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
unless you're old and you no longer really need the money, then i'd do as cracker sais, sit down with someone that knows what he is actually doing.

if you've already been sucessful with stocks and shares, then i would leave a good amount still in investment, assuming you know what you're doing, as you're gonna make a lot more money on a good investment by investing a good amount of money in the first place than blowing your 100K and having to start all over again


Well-Known Member
Ive got some stocks.. as well as some other money possibly coming my way.. so the question is.. what to do with it?

Yes, I'd love to setup and grow.. but I'm trying to keep it legal :wall:

So? What would you do?
Buy a Ferrari 308 and Pimp My house :)


Active Member
Me? I'd buy about 3-4 acres, (i live in NC VERY WOODED properties for sale), Put a small front on the land, and grow grow grow :weed:
If you have no debt to pay, take 3/4 and put back into something and take the other 1/4 and do what ever your little green thumb desires. You will have the same amount you started with in a couple of years and something to show in the mean time.


Well-Known Member
Real estate
Wise suggestion and spot on.

Taking advantage of foreclosures is a no brainer investment if a guy has a bit of DIY ability to fix up homes.

I have been buying up HUD foreclosures for pennies on the dollar, the last home we invested in we won on HUD 24 hour auction for $8500 plus $950 closing costs , we put close to $3000 in the home in repairs & the home is now worth $75,000 & is bringing us in $750 rent in every month, in one year the home will have paid off the initial investment .


Well-Known Member
1) Pay off your bills. 2) If you have a mortgage, pay it off. 3) Buy a primary residence. 4) Go to the bank, put your money in it and think about it.

I don't know how old you are or what kind of life you live, but as an accountant I can tell you what not to do.

Here is what some people I have met have done.

DO NOT - Start spending, like buying rounds at the bar, giving big tips, buy flashy new car. Stop working, end up living in someones garage.

DO NOT - Start traveling the world, don't go to Australia (other country here) for months at a time, a couple of times a year. Keep doing what you've been doing.

DO NOT - Get used to spending money, so much that you keep refinancing your house to buy things. It gets addicting.

DO NOT - let the inheritance change your life, smile - be happy.

I have seen so many people shit on themselves after they get FREE money it is not even funny. Slow down, save your money.

Peace - :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Wise suggestion and spot on.

Taking advantage of foreclosures is a no brainer investment if a guy has a bit of DIY ability to fix up homes.

I have been buying up HUD foreclosures for pennies on the dollar, the last home we invested in we won on HUD 24 hour auction for $8500 plus $950 closing costs , we put close to $3000 in the home in repairs & the home is now worth $75,000 & is bringing us in $750 rent in every month, in one year the home will have paid off the initial investment .

Sounds great! Unfortunately, there is ALOT more to it. Repairs, Taxes, Insurance...and so on. Sometimes you make a profit, and sometimes you dont. Been down that road.. :hump:


Active Member
i'd probably die from a drug overdose within the day
Hah, luckily Ive never really wanted to venture too far beyond pot..

Man.. that just made me think.. if one day a strain was so potent that it was possible to OD on weed(much more easy than it is now that is)... that would be crazy!

Maybe I just found a good way to go after all... lol