What would you do?


Active Member
Ordered from www.marijuana-seeds.nl got a notice in my mail box saying that it came registered. I need to go to Post Office and sign for it. Used a fake name when I ordered. Will the P.O. ask for ID? Would you even go to the P.O.? And last has this ever happened to you or have you heard of it happening?

TIA - Cheapsunglasses


Well-Known Member
Ordered from www.marijuana-seeds.nl got a notice in my mail box saying that it came registered. I need to go to Post Office and sign for it. Used a fake name when I ordered. Will the P.O. ask for ID? Would you even go to the P.O.? And last has this ever happened to you or have you heard of it happening?

TIA - Cheapsunglasses
go pick it up bro, no worries. If they ask for i.d., say you left it in your car and bail.


Active Member
dude, it says on their website.... under the FAQ's that they send them "recorded delivery" which is their way of saying, you will have to sign for the package unless you state otherwise when you order. Go read the FAQ's on the website you bought from.

good luck!!!


New Member
If the slip says i.d. required i wouldent push my luck, better to lose 20-30 bucks u spent on seeds than to spend 4-5 years in prison if they catch you.


Well-Known Member
Tell a crack head to get it for you and yall will smoke a blunt.

Or if things go wrong then i would offer the woman at the desk 20 bucks to forget about it and just give me the damn package!!!


New Member
There is no way possible somebody is going to be waiting for you for a few seeds. GUARANTEED! The worst that would have happened is it get discovered in customs (mail) and get confiscated and you will get sent a letter.

Really its just whether or not its worth it to you to make a trip to the post office and more than likely go away empty handed cuz of the id situation.


New Member
You never know~! Just be convincing about leaving your id at home, or school, or whatever you think will work the best GOOD LUCK!!