What would you like to see while you wait?


Active Member
I plan on opening a collective when I ETS out of the Army. For now I operate only for my girlfriend as her legal caregiver, as anyone who has followed any of my 2 grows has known. I am so passionate about this, the good I see it do for people that come into my GF's dispensary. How it helps them, how it makes their quality of life all the more better. I plan on saving about $30k over the next year. See if I can get a business loan, or a few partners, for a loan, and opening up my own. In the mean time, I will be a silent partner funding my GF's that she is going to open, for obvious reasons(military lol).

I want to do all the things the others don't. I just don't wanna open up a cash spot. Some place that is a wrinky dink little place where the workers are always high, and unknowledgeable. While at the same time being very little help. I don't want a place where you just have a stoner who wants another dab, and attractive woman who doesn't know an indica from a sativa(I've seen it). At the spot my gf works at. They're tossing around the idea of bikini sales people. They already only hire attractive women, hence why she works there. But they're trying to take it one step further.

Im trying to set up a business plan right now.
The ideas I have set up right now, and are tossing around. To capitalize on the success of bikini baristas, and whatever the male ones are called. Have a front room, where people are well received by classically handsome, or attractive women. Then after recieved, walk to the back room, where you're buzzed in some how. And greeted by either a shirtless male, or a bikini clad woman, who will be sitting in a 3rd room. And when buzzed in by a certain color, or whatever, will be there to welcome in the man or woman.

After you're in the backroom you will have ALMOST the same selection of what other dispensaries have, only different. One concept I really like, based on what I already see all around WA is local growers and medible makers. You guys have one of the strongest local farmers market scenes I've ever seen, and they're highly successful. I'd like to incorporate this. I already see all the same old same old in edibles, made from the same people, who are just getting larger, and larger, and larger. Which slowly but surely puts the small startup guy, more and more towards the back. I'd like to give guys like this a chance, and use it also as a marketing niche. That I try to only use local up and comers. Give them the shot no one else does. Obivously they will have to be up to snuff, and quality control will be in place for sure. But I'd like to harp on the local scene for sure.

I'd like to know what you guys would like to see if you were going in there. How would you prefer to be greeted. What would you like to see in the waiting room while you wait to be helped in the backroom? What type of things would you liked to see period? Music, chairs, couches, music, pictures, tv's, movies. What kind of things would you personally like to see?

I'd rather not be flamed, and would really like serious responses. I'm not trying to be a gimmick, but would like to set myself above, and apart from the best.
Thanks in advance guys! :)


New Member
Personally, it would not be a place I would go to frequently. I kind of see it kind of like a strip club you know. Scantily clad women are great, but most times I just want to chill and drink a beer. That does not mean it wont be successful though. I have had friends that have put girls through college, they spent so much time at strip clubs. I would definitely wait and see how the bikini thing works out before dropping some coin on it. Congrats on ETSing. Thanks for your service man.


Active Member
Not just that, I need to see how legalization and state regulation affects the dispensaries as well. But that's good info, I wonder if many people echo that feeling? Thanks man!


Well-Known Member
I plan on opening a collective when I ETS out of the Army. For now I operate only for my girlfriend as her legal caregiver, as anyone who has followed any of my 2 grows has known. I am so passionate about this, the good I see it do for people that come into my GF's dispensary. How it helps them, how it makes their quality of life all the more better. I plan on saving about $30k over the next year. See if I can get a business loan, or a few partners, for a loan, and opening up my own. In the mean time, I will be a silent partner funding my GF's that she is going to open, for obvious reasons(military lol).

I want to do all the things the others don't. I just don't wanna open up a cash spot. Some place that is a wrinky dink little place where the workers are always high, and unknowledgeable. While at the same time being very little help. I don't want a place where you just have a stoner who wants another dab, and attractive woman who doesn't know an indica from a sativa(I've seen it). At the spot my gf works at. They're tossing around the idea of bikini sales people. They already only hire attractive women, hence why she works there. But they're trying to take it one step further.

Im trying to set up a business plan right now.
The ideas I have set up right now, and are tossing around. To capitalize on the success of bikini baristas, and whatever the male ones are called. Have a front room, where people are well received by classically handsome, or attractive women. Then after recieved, walk to the back room, where you're buzzed in some how. And greeted by either a shirtless male, or a bikini clad woman, who will be sitting in a 3rd room. And when buzzed in by a certain color, or whatever, will be there to welcome in the man or woman.

After you're in the backroom you will have ALMOST the same selection of what other dispensaries have, only different. One concept I really like, based on what I already see all around WA is local growers and medible makers. You guys have one of the strongest local farmers market scenes I've ever seen, and they're highly successful. I'd like to incorporate this. I already see all the same old same old in edibles, made from the same people, who are just getting larger, and larger, and larger. Which slowly but surely puts the small startup guy, more and more towards the back. I'd like to give guys like this a chance, and use it also as a marketing niche. That I try to only use local up and comers. Give them the shot no one else does. Obivously they will have to be up to snuff, and quality control will be in place for sure. But I'd like to harp on the local scene for sure.

I'd like to know what you guys would like to see if you were going in there. How would you prefer to be greeted. What would you like to see in the waiting room while you wait to be helped in the backroom? What type of things would you liked to see period? Music, chairs, couches, music, pictures, tv's, movies. What kind of things would you personally like to see?

I'd rather not be flamed, and would really like serious responses. I'm not trying to be a gimmick, but would like to set myself above, and apart from the best.
Thanks in advance guys! :)
Yeah, i'd need a drink and a hand-job after being in your place. I'd like to see more "health centers" that specialize in multiple treatments.

Anyways to comment on your question directly.

You should include big comfy chairs. I hate the couch or cheap hard chair, I don't know anyone in here and I have to sit on a nasty couch next to a creepy guy. nuh unh.

Music playing would be a plus, nothing vulgar. Bob marley is great. Don't get me wrong, my rap shit, pisses and cunts too. I'm just suggesting a neutral/relaxing environment.

I think you should have someone out there as well. I hate sitting in a room by my self with creepy guy.

If you have some hot girls, have them some hang out in the front striking up conversation about cannabis and what not. Being engaged with something you're interested in will make any wait time seem too short.

Pictures on the wall a plus, not some cheap stupid shit you found at the thrift shop. Creative shapes and new age art to make people's head turn sideways.

Also don't paint one room all one color, accent walls are best. It looks so cheap when they paint the waiting room all green.

In mine, we play "If cannabis cured cancer" in the waiting room. It' grabs the attention of people walking in. They stare at the TV on their way into the back.

Thanks for your service mate.

Best of luck!


Active Member
I'm glad you commented on that. That is already been jotted down. I will have the men and women on a rotational basis when they'll work the front and the back and switch bathing suit roles. Intelligent (about cannabis atleast, I'm not expecting them to be smart elsewhere) budtenders that are great to look at, converse with, not elitists and unapproachable like I've seen. I want a place where people like being there and wanna show people. Whether it be for the people, the atmosphere, and or the local medible makers that they can try out.