What wrong with my plant ? HELP!!!!!


Well-Known Member
odds i know the answer

are u using city water .............if so it has chemicals in it and has killed off the micbros and fungi in the soil

sativa indica pits

Active Member
Load of bullshit, town water wont harm your plants or soil.
well, it depends on the town your in...lol some small town water plants are fed with spring water, lake water which is great for plants and wont hurt them. but once you get in a big city that pumps water from the near by polluted rivers, they filter it, dump all kinds of chlorine, chloride and other shit in there to make to it potable.

imo its the soil you have it in, looks nasty!! I dont think i saw one piece of perlite bigger than a grain of rice. mj plants love fluffy soil with good drainage. They also like to get dry before the next watering, never wet all the time. Try a light mix with vermiculite and perlite mixed in.


New Member
Leave town water in open canister in your grow place for 24 hours to get raid off CL. Still water cost almost nothing and its mutch better for your plants.


Well-Known Member
City water is fine in 99% of the US. I would get some perlite in that soil and not over water :)

all information in this post is purely fictional and must be taken as such.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
my city water will fuk you up, seriously, its brown and if you leave it in a white bowl, it will stain it!! Cramps, shits, sour stomach, it almost killed my dog, plants? forget it, one watering with city water and they are fuked for weeks. Rain water is much better than city water. You have to think, the water might be ok, but what about the pipes installed from 1943, which are the same pipes they still are using today? 1943?? really, I thought we pay taxes for a reason. I went to the town hall, water district all over asking questions as to why the fuk were still using pipes from 1943, god only knows what that pipe was made out of....lead....iron.....who friggin knows.


Well-Known Member
it is the city water

they add chemicals to clean the pipes keep your teeth strong and to keep the water clear of bad stuff

this is what u do

fill up a tub with hot water .............allow it to sit there and get cold .(this has released most of the chemicals)............now take the water from the tub and jug it up (when i say jug i mean water jugs or juice jug.......MILK JUGS will NOT WORK the water turns foul in them u can not clean it not even with bleach /one step.............they sell jugs of water in the store for 98 cents get one use it keep the jug )

once u have filled up the jugs set them aside in someplace that gets direct sunlight and is warm .................u will see little bubbles in the jugs forming this is Oxygen desolving into the water and releasing the last of any chemicals in the water .............this is good after 3 days like that they have as much desolved Oxygen in the water as it can hold ...............use this water the plants they will love it and response to it


Well-Known Member
Load of bullshit, town water wont harm your plants or soil.
then u are not all that smart

they add chemicals into the water to clean pipes.....help your teeth and some cities even had drugs in the water

what about the whole state of WV they had to stop using the water for 10 days due to the chemical spill and there is still traces of it in the system ............just last week they shut a school down becuase a kid and teacher got sick from it


Well-Known Member
Water can kinda be tested....... I have good water here about 25 ppm but I've hers of people having numbers in the 200s out of the tap. It won't tell you what's in it but could give you an idea how much is in it. I wouldn't fuck with Somethin with 200 ppm out of the tap


Active Member
5 weeks old? It looks 2 weeks old. What are you feeding it? And why 12/12 light cycle?
im feeding it nothing at the moment yet but it so small because i just move it out of a red cup and 12/12 from seed because i have seen some great plants grown this way

yeah B U B B A

Well-Known Member
almighty..!!!! if u using city water., STOP NOW..!!! just like justugh said "it has all types of chemicals in it.!" i have experienced it before.! i dont know what packetloss talking about.! your best bet is to buy your own tap water and water them like that.! but if u continue using city water., u going to have to boil it first about 2-3 hrs and let it sit for about a couple of days and then test the ph in it.

question., do u like drinking your own water at home.?

yeah B U B B A

Well-Known Member
it is the city water

they add chemicals to clean the pipes keep your teeth strong and to keep the water clear of bad stuff

this is what u do

fill up a tub with hot water .............allow it to sit there and get cold .(this has released most of the chemicals)............now take the water from the tub and jug it up (when i say jug i mean water jugs or juice jug.......MILK JUGS will NOT WORK the water turns foul in them u can not clean it not even with bleach /one step.............they sell jugs of water in the store for 98 cents get one use it keep the jug )

once u have filled up the jugs set them aside in someplace that gets direct sunlight and is warm .................u will see little bubbles in the jugs forming this is Oxygen desolving into the water and releasing the last of any chemicals in the water .............this is good after 3 days like that they have as much desolved Oxygen in the water as it can hold ...............use this water the plants they will love it and response to it
i total agree with u on that.!


Active Member
almighty..!!!! if u using city water., STOP NOW..!!! just like justugh said "it has all types of chemicals in it.!" i have experienced it before.! i dont know what packetloss talking about.! your best bet is to buy your own tap water and water them like that.! but if u continue using city water., u going to have to boil it first about 2-3 hrs and let it sit for about a couple of days and then test the ph in it.

question., do u like drinking your own water at home.?
i dont drink city water , i buy bottles of water but thanks i will stop using city water