what you reckon?


Hey guys first post +thread, just want your advise:
first time growing, grabbed 10 feminised white widow seeds from direct from greenhouse seeds. Growing these in soil. Started off in a advanced formula no problems, growing in the window dodgy i know. Had a problem as i left them for a week and a half as i had to go away for work. I left them on a capillary matt setup. In that time they had grown a fair bit and fought alot for light so they were quite tall with little width. 2 looked a little dogged but they were all alive to my suprise. Anyway, for about another 2 weeks after they were still growing very slowely in my window.
Until about 2 days ago when I managed to get my light, new soil and nutes.
Now repotted them in Canna Terra Pro organic soil mix. It has a low PH of around 5.5-6.5, npk 12/14/24. Didnt realise this till i got it thought it would be spot on.
Growing in two wardrobes with no doors pushed together. with a 600w Exolux system.
I haven't tested the ph have no thermometer or humidity reader.
Since i've done all this the plants seem to have lighter leaves with the vains staying green. And some of the lowest leaves going yellow and limp. Plus I've not really seen much growth for around a half week. What seems to be the problem?
Can't see too much from the pics. anytips for setup, or anything would be much appreciated.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
that light looks a bit high, should be as close as you can without burning plants, test by holding hand at plant tops.


Well-Known Member
yeah looks ok but i just went to wilkos and got a box of sulphate of amonia for a couple of quid.