what you think about advanced nutrients??

I'm a child but you pm thinking your bad ass.I always read you defending AN like nobody could say anything negative about them just cause you like them.keep pretending to be Mr. Mature and maybe somebody will believe you.

...And the trolls have arrived. There goes a perfectly good thread. I told you guys this wouldn't last long. These assholes always show up. See you guys in the next one.
thank you all so much for all the info! everyone is entitled to an opinion and its good to hear them! ive heard of house and garden being good, is house and garden the best? what mix of nutes should i use from them for veg/bloom in soil?? thanks again everyone
I'm a child but you pm thinking your bad ass.I always read you defending AN like nobody could say anything negative about them just cause you like them.keep pretending to be Mr. Mature and maybe somebody will believe you.
Now, where is the "like" button? I'd hit it a few hundred times on this post, I said it at the beginning, the op, WHICH IS REALLY PHILLIP, started this thread because he wanted exactly what he got.Now watch the little tyraid he's gonna go on because I posted this, just watch.
I can only list what I use,and have been finding it has been working perfectly,in comparison to the canna range that I have also tried.

I am currently using
Bio 1 -component Aarde
Multi enzyme
root excellurator (their spelling not mine)
Top shooter pk 13/14
Bud XL

Plus a few non house and garden bits
Superthrive (should be part of any ones feed regime)
root grow(best mycorrhizal fungus going) the world record largest vegetable was grown using it
and Ace of buds (currently just testing it as was a free trail bottle,)

thank you all so much for all the info! everyone is entitled to an opinion and its good to hear them! ive heard of house and garden being good, is house and garden the best? what mix of nutes should i use from them for veg/bloom in soil?? thanks again everyone
I tested AN products once. Save your money.

Try Xnutrients. I've been testing them for a bit now and I like them (for a chem fert).
Less than 1/2 the price of AN, and their customer service is top notch.

They'll send samples of their grow, bloom and micro nutes, along with a small bottle of their cloning gel to your local grow shop.
I was an AN customer for about year.. ok results. Moved to DynaGro and they give me what AN claimed to without the claim... weird at more then half the cost.
I was an AN customer for about year.. ok results. Moved to DynaGro and they give me what AN claimed to without the claim... weird at more then half the cost.

Tons of guys on here are getting GREAT results with Dyna. Have you seen HomeBrewer's threads? I am doing a side by side with them in May. Gonna run half the crop with it and half with my AN nutes.
thank you all so much for all the info! everyone is entitled to an opinion and its good to hear them! ive heard of house and garden being good, is house and garden the best? what mix of nutes should i use from them for veg/bloom in soil?? thanks again everyone

Dude, the "BEST" nutrients are the ones that work well for you. It took me a few years to figure out that organics for me was the way to go. What works well for me may well not work for you. It's a trial and error process. You cant just ask someone to steer you in the direction you wanna go. Try what you will, just be an educated consumer. Learn how things work and WHY things work in the growing world, that way you can make an educated decision on which nutes to use. You'll know whether or not AN can really give you a "bigger dick", 'cuz you'll know the science behind things. Understanding the science behind growing is paramount.

The feds no longer allow you to like things here!

I fucking knew it!! It was ONLY a matter of time.
which an combo would you recommend as a base nute for vegg?

Im going to be putting together a 3-way side by side of DG,Xnutes,AN. i have my DG & Xnute stuff, and my buddy has AN connoisseur Bloom A+B. But I need to grab the vegg equivalent to a DG base. should i ge a Conn grow, or is there a better one?

I dont want any fancy additives in vegg. this is just a test grow. And anything that gets added to one, has to get added to the others.
Im fairly familiar with the DG & XN, and they will all be run approx same PPMs, and PH. if possible, ill also try to track cost.
I told you they'd be here shortly. Even though the OP specifically said he didn't want to hear it they always show up anyway. Not trying to start shit at all. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You have to do what is best for you in your grow and no one knows that better than you. I will never say one nute is better than the other cause different strains, environments, and applications produce different results. To each their own. I am just giving props to the OP for starting one of these threads and asking GAAN (Growers Against Advanced Nutrients :mrgreen:) to stay out of it. Wishful thinking on his part.

I dunno, nutrient content reality vs claimed doesn't seem that subjective to me. Seems clear cut and objective.
which an combo would you recommend as a base nute for vegg?

Im going to be putting together a 3-way side by side of DG,Xnutes,AN. i have my DG & Xnute stuff, and my buddy has AN connoisseur Bloom A+B. But I need to grab the vegg equivalent to a DG base. should i ge a Conn grow, or is there a better one?

I dont want any fancy additives in vegg. this is just a test grow. And anything that gets added to one, has to get added to the others.
Im fairly familiar with the DG & XN, and they will all be run approx same PPMs, and PH. if possible, ill also try to track cost.

Hey Unohu, go with straight Sensi Grow A & B. That's all you'll need. If your buddy has FREE Connoisseur then by all means use it; but if you need to actually buy something then go with the Sensi Grow A & B as well. Let me know if you want to pick up just 1 or 2 additives for veg and bloom. I have some ideas. When you get the test rolling let me know and we can talk about measurements. I will have a ton of questions for you to in May. I ordered my Dyna Grow last week. Should be here soon. Getting pumped. Also been doing some reading on teas; I have always read that they are not worth it in hydro setups but I'm going to try a resipe from one of the MODS. He says his recipe has helped a lot with reservoir pH control and algae prevention. As well with root growth. Keep me posted man.
I dunno, nutrient content reality vs claimed doesn't seem that subjective to me. Seems clear cut and objective.

I agree. But do you really think AN is the only company that would not have passed that test? I'll bet any amount of many that if lab tests were done on all of the nutrient companies then it would be pretty much the same. Only difference is the haters who have been regurjitating the same "Oregon Dept. of Agriculture" article would not be there starting shit about these companies like they do about AN. I don't ever say any nutrient company is better than another. All I ever say is that you shouldn't bash a nutrient company until you have actually tested them yourself. And I am not talking about a single run in your grow with 2 plants. Run 2 full harvest with half your crop and give that nutrient a real test. I am doing one with Dyna Grow in May and then after that I am going to try House and Garden. I've done them in the past with B.C., GH, and FF. I'd rather see it for my own eyes than listen to what someone else has to say.
1. Oregon Dept. of Agriculture is basically the SS of Depts. of Agriculture. They do not fuck around and will nail you to the cross for just looking at them wrong.
2. Oregon is pretty close to where Advanced Nutrients' biggest adversaries are headquartered. I dare not even mention their name. I'm not saying anything. But I'm saying something...
Tons of guys on here are getting GREAT results with Dyna. Have you seen HomeBrewer's threads? I am doing a side by side with them in May. Gonna run half the crop with it and half with my AN nutes.
phillipchristian i cant wait to see your results. im trying dyna grow bloom/grow right now in flower for the first time and i ran sensi 2 part last crop on the same strain so in about a month and a half il have a good idea which one i like better. it might be too early but im not hugely impressed with how the plants are growing with dyna grow these first 2 weeks. i could be wrong but it seems like there growing a little bit slower than when i used the 2 part with big bud. i cant wait to see how the crystals and yield look compared to last crop il let you guys know
phillipchristian i cant wait to see your results. im trying dyna grow bloom/grow right now in flower for the first time and i ran sensi 2 part last crop on the same strain so in about a month and a half il have a good idea which one i like better. it might be too early but im not hugely impressed with how the plants are growing with dyna grow these first 2 weeks. i could be wrong but it seems like there growing a little bit slower than when i used the 2 part with big bud. i cant wait to see how the crystals and yield look compared to last crop il let you guys know

Sweet man, keep us posted. I'll send you a link when I get the Dyna going. I'm gonna do a journal. Real side by side with all the info for everyone to see. Going to do 2 full cycles to really test the limits during the second one. After that I'm going to try House and Garden.
POST #'s

44, 50, 54, 55, 56, 58 - **LIKE**

Aah Hem, hey mods, u awake?? can we get our button back. sugary please....... santa will bring u a sweet green nugg.....
phillipchristian i cant wait to see your results. im trying dyna grow bloom/grow right now in flower for the first time and i ran sensi 2 part last crop on the same strain so in about a month and a half il have a good idea which one i like better. it might be too early but im not hugely impressed with how the plants are growing with dyna grow these first 2 weeks. i could be wrong but it seems like there growing a little bit slower than when i used the 2 part with big bud. i cant wait to see how the crystals and yield look compared to last crop il let you guys know

Are you journaling this grow with DG or do you have any journals here at all? I'm a believer in side-by-side comparisons but things need to be dialed in before anyone attempts to makes statements about the performance of a product.
Are you journaling this grow with DG or do you have any journals here at all? I'm a believer in side-by-side comparisons but things need to be dialed in before anyone attempts to makes statements about the performance of a product.

I've never done a journal before and will probably be doing it under a different account I make up. I am not a fan of posting pics on forums of anything more than bud close ups. I have been growing for 12 years though; 5 of those with AN. I have a very sophisticated grow room that keeps almost all elements stable and perfect. I've also spent the majority of that time playing around with my nutrient ratios and additives to get to where I am. I'm almost positive it will be a fair side by side comparison. The only difference will be the nutrients. Lighting, environment, Co2, humidity, pH, reservoir temps, etc... will all be the same. I'm also going to give Dyna a fair shake and do 32 of my 64 plants with Dyna and also do a second grow after to try and push the Dyna solution to it's limits.