what you think about these clones?


helloooo again rollers. I have been forced to put the clones into the veg tent a little early. They are all purpled up and mottled with yellow. I am leaning towards my memory of them feeding off themselves and then producing roots. They have roots, not very big but they are there. They are poping out of the rockwool cube so I transplanted into mirical grow ORGANIC potting mix 10-5-5. I added 8ml of voodo juice, pirhana, trantula and H&G roots excelerator to the mix and cooked it for 4 days at 78F to activate everything. I misted the clones with an EM-1 ( Effecient Microbes ) i made myself. Its a suspension of lacto bacilli used in japanese horticulture to make bokashi. VERY BENIFICIAL BACTERIA!!!

anyways how do they look. they are at 1 week old from the mother. roots poped in 3-4 days as observed via spliting the root cube to view any root growth. some are greener that others, but I also attribute that to some having more leaf on them to supply food. Should I be doing something else for them.

veg room-
Light-388w/ 460nm-470nm---- 2700k-6500k----610nm 630nm 660nm / from left to right ratio is 8-1-1
soil temp-72-75F
8F drop in nightime temp