What you would choose between a 120w led lamp and a 250w sonlight hps


Well-Known Member
I would like tot know what light would yield better buds, an 120w led lamp or a 250w hps sonlight lamp ? I dont want to grow many plants at once, i will go with 2-3 max 4 plants at once in a space of 4feet x 4feet and in height 7feet. What would be the best choice, is the 120w led lamp like advertised? It beats a 250 hps or not?


Well-Known Member
Go for the 250 HPS man you won't regret it, they pack a hell of a punch for a small grow. Iv yet to get under 6 oz from doing 1 plant under 1, and they have been huge dense nugs also. That main cola in my avatar was done under a 250, it was 94g dry and i got another 5 oz of the rest of the plant, all under a 250. I don't trust these LED's to be honest but iv never used 1 so don't just listen 2 me, lets see if any1 has any info on em aas i would be interested to see if they do work well or not. Nice1


Active Member
HPS is better than LED for now, but people have their reasons for using LEDs mainly stealth, safety, and heat... so if you're not concerned about those factors, go for the HPS.


Well-Known Member
go with the hps i run a 250w Eye Hortilux and a 250w CMH by Philips side by side two dam good bulbs and yeah on the hps best single choice and oh cmh runs on hps ballast

for best results use both spectrums rotate pot positions and spin them at flower time i through in my UVB for 1 hour a day as far away as i can get from my plant tops in a 39 inch square (uvb nothing to play with)

LED alone can not be compared only plus is its stays cool only good for veg and expensive LED's not ready yet leave alone for now things cost big when they first come out then price drops and it gets better

cmh better for veg and seedlings also cuts stretch hps gives you rock hard buds cmh at end buds get fatter both all the time is my thing rotate and spinning under both bulbs
good luck


i have a 120w led that i bought off ebay. much cheaper than the ones you will buy from a store. maybe the ones that cost more work better. it works ok but i would compare it to a few cfls not to a hps. you have to keep it right on top of your plant which means that you pretty much need a light for every plant, maybe stretch it to two. i surrounded my led with cfls and that seems to work. cfls work very well for a small area because you can keep them so close to the plant though


Active Member
There's a preponderance of evidence that LED lighting gives inferior yields compared to MH and HPS. Only use it after you've made the decision to trade yield for lower heat and electricity use.