Whats a fair split between partners?


Well-Known Member
They dont pay anything for their vehicle. Its free because its not theirs. They also said they were going to bust their butt and now its difficult to even get ahold of them when i need to discuss things. Let alone them bust their butt doing anything.
You could be 'difficult' to get a hold of when the time comes :)

PS: When you get the white guy on one shoulder, and the red guy on the other...I'm the red guy. But no, if dude is really your friend then this is an issue you can discuss with him. Friends should be responsive to realistic discussion, and if things unfortunately happen to really go south then just tell him to get fucked and enjoy your harvest.


Well-Known Member
I've grown with one ofmy friends for sixyears straight. It takes patience.

My advice is don't brood negatively behind urfriends bck. If you think he should pull more weight, tell him.

You came off a little like a Jones there at first there dude remember no seeds no grow.

Be open, honest, patient. Between friends you should always be upfront.

It's like when you loan money toa friend, you should of just gave it tothem for agift, instead of getting hurt later on, bugging your friend and possibly losing them.

This was good advice here...Be straight up, ask what a fair split is then discuss what work each of you need to do to keep up his/her end of the bargain. It's not worth losing sleep or a friend over.


Well-Known Member
This was good advice here...Be straight up, ask what a fair split is then discuss what work each of you need to do to keep up his/her end of the bargain. It's not worth losing sleep or a friend over.
True...plus if the work isn't done, then maybe there is time for the other partner to step up his involvement or consider re-negotiating the split due to the circumstances. 10/90 involvement doesn't = 50/50 split to me, especially if it wasn't officially agreed on. If it was just hinted at, it's not really set in stone, and if he can't understand that it's not a fair split due to the limited involvement he has, then really he's not a friend imo.


Active Member
watch how he starts to act towards harvest time, he might try to pull something funny since you confronted him. If you have to have a partner set up the grow plan before the grow starts so each person knows who's doing what. the split depends on the work and risk each person takes.
I agree with the majority of replies here from well known and valued members. I've been lurking for quite sometime, have been in all sorts of similar situations, and busted my ass for others as well. YOU HAVE NOW LEARNED A VERY VALUABLE LESSON. Finish things off, give him his half (dry or wet), and move on. As others said, if you have it in you, start another patch. I've had friends be but hurt over others using their genetics w/o giving credit and being greedy, and all kinds of things. No matter what the situation, we are dealing with a plant. Just learn who you can and cant count on and leave it at that. If you feel your over privileging, obligating,or relying on your friends/others YOU ARE!
P.s. look at it from the flip side of the coin. You may feel your not receiving fair or equal compensation for your larger investment of time and what not, but what if your buddy worked just as hard as you causing your harvest to be twice what you could do on your own (as your basically saying you do now). Isn't the investment of your time and labor worth a greater end product...especially considering your investing time, and effort, not money (from all that ive read).

Anyways good luck. Remember, karma's a bitch.


Well-Known Member
Very sensitive issue here...you blatantly fucked up by assuming and not talking about all these concerns before. Addressing it now is important but can very easily backfire. Having said this, take it as a lesson, try not to stir up shit, and most importantly 50% of something is better than 100% of nothing. This is a typical business structure...you be the slave and I'll reap the benefit. At least now you can't say you didn't know.

When it comes to friendship, things could easily go south when money is involved so I would avoid partnerships when it comes to these types of arrangements. What is more important, I'd imagine is the friendship so I'd go to great lengths to not mix the two. Since he gave you the seeds he is kinda like Monsanto and might want more than he deserves...just be prepared for the confrontation. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Last year I grew with a partner. Before we started, I explained how important my summer crop is to me, and how seriously I take it. I advised him we will need to go to the spot 2 times per week to feed, Sunday & Wednesday's(if no rain), and for every time he was a no show, I was going to knock off 3% of his 50/50 split. The way I figured it, if were going to be partners, he was damn sure going to do half the work. I could have done everything by myself, and would have had no problem doing so, so I left the option to him. Needless to say, he stayed pretty motivated, and got himself a fat sack when all was said and done.

This year, I will be flying solo.


Well-Known Member
Some friends of mine got a clone, potted it up and when it got about 2' tall they had to get rid of it, their spouses objected, so I offered to bring it here. The deal was to split it 3 ways. It grew into a monster, I fed it, watered it and that is all. We got over 3 lbs and we all felt a lb each was an amazing gift from Rah.
Stick with the original deal and like doublejj said, lesson learned.