Whats a good full spectrum led for a 4x4 tent ?


Currently running cmh 315w and wanted to switch to led for a little more coverage if possible and what the best option would be any suggestions.
Any suggestions where to get the diy kit or what would be good dont know to much about them seen cheaper ones on amazon but my 315 is decent dont wanna down grade lol
500-600w of quality whites.

Such as

Timber grow lights
Grow light Australia
cutter.au (solskin)
Rapid LED kits

Sure theres more .

Maybe check out migro on youtube and see his testing.
Its probably gona cost you $500 minimum up to $1200 depending on what direction you go.

Or upgrade from 315 to 630cmh

DIY wise two of these and two xlg 240 drivers would be reasonable cost effective without doing a full build yourself

Assuming your in the US
I just built 2 of these for a 5x8. One would smash a 4x4....if you can build the frame, you can do it for around 350-400. That would include newest diodes from Samsung and meanwell drivers with dimmers.

Check out the seller UCANDEWIT on Ebay. He builds the same boards as HLG and spider and sells them alot cheaper since no brand name...you can also get him to build it outside of ebay too.