Damn them fucking mites huh?
Heres what I did for a home made recippie that worked for me. Just remember that pests get used to pesticides, so after a while you'll have to switch to something else.
My homemade bug juice:
I brewed up up some fresh chopped garlic and fresh mint from my garden in about 2 1/2 cups of R/O water, until it reduced (boiled off) to about a half a cup. Strain, with the finest mesh you have.
Wisked in a few drops of dish soap, olive oil, and hot sauce and thats it. If you have a few cinnamon sticks in the house, throw one or two in the simmering water. And if you happen to have clove oil, throw a few drops in the strained product. It's so strong when you reduce it that you have to dilute it with water before you apply it. err on the side of caution.
Apply everyday twice a day, for a week and see if it works for you. You have to spray under the leaves cause the mites live there.
Neem oil also supposedly works wonders but I always forget to buy it. If you have it, add it in place of the olive oil.
The eggs are immune to the spray, so you actually have to rub each leaf to smash the eggs. Do this with the neem.
Other than that, Idk what to say. Good luck. Oh and the cleaner you keep your garden by washing the wall with an antibacterial solution (bleach water), every week or so, will help with the problem too.