whats a safe distance to have a male ?????????

el tio

Active Member
whats a safe distance to have a male plants if u have loke 24 females...?????? i dont want my ladies all full of seeds... but i have a very very very beautiful male that i think i might want to experiment and fertileze a girl to get more seeds...


Well-Known Member
Males can pollinate from even miles away given good winds. So the proper distance should be faw away if not dead. You can collect the pollen and pollinate lower branches with a paint brush and it should only produce seeded buds on the sites u pit the pollen on. I think if u collect and keep the pollen it can stay 2-3 months in a fridge.

el tio

Active Member
grate info there man..


the only way to keep a male safe around females is to remove all pollen sacs off it everyday! With good maintenance I kept a fantasitc male around a bunch of females a few years back. However those sacs will grow really fast. If left unattended for even a few days....it would be bad to say the least!

OH! and dont touch the female buds after removing the male sacs unless u want seeds :p

el tio

Active Member
i actually tought of that because the first time i had a male i kept him to se if he also produce buds and i did that removing them balls but wen i got tired of that chop chop burn burn..what i did with the new male i transplanted him like 2 mountains next to mine and downhill..so the pollen would have to travel uphill down hill uphill and down hill and then uphill and then down hill once again nad he would have to travel like between lots and lots and lots of diferent trees plants and stuff to get to my house..:) i dont think hell be gtting any closer.. thanks for ur time and advice!