What's an Apology Worth?

well my mother did marry, I smashed my first car, grandfather died the very moment i had the accident ( i was driving hom from the hospital) and i found out my BF had cheated multiple times ;) And i keep smilling :) hahahaha

Life is cryptic ;)

...that's great to keep smiling. Worth it, actually. So wait, are you saying that on the day your mother remarried your boyfriend cheated while you were getting into the accident at the moment your grandfather passed? Wow, what great timing! :lol: Judging by your posts and openness about it, you're doing ok. I also hope you're good with jokes!
you do know holding grudges makes you older?

That sounds right, Oly. I've kicked two people out of my life in the last few years for crossing established lines of respect, people I really thought would be life long friends. I don't resent them, on the contrary, I wish them the best in life and I cherish the time we had together...
do you still want them around?

then that apology is worth a damn.

if not, fuckem, life is too short for that shit.
Depends on what is being apoligized for and how sincere and trustworthy they are.
I have found most situations where I feel "I have been wronged" are situations that I put myself in that could have easily been avoided , therefore making myself as much responsible for being a dummy

What does it mean to you if someone does you wrong and apologizes later?
warning contextual cool story bro ahead

So we go back 20 years, seen my successes, and fails, this person wanted to try one too. person said okay we'll split 50/50 right down the middle no prob. I said okay, handed one over 2 months in veg here ya go i said impatiently but with good intentions. Smiles for miles. Day comes to chop lady, no call no show. I furiously called this person many moons, answered, handed over 10% at door one day and shut, no slammed, door in face.

Friendship over?

Many moons go by, I no longer wanting to have anything to do with said individual, never entered my mind to try to see wasss uppppppp.....so this person calls me, crying, says sorry. I forgive. Relationship salty after. Worth the work to make it work after apologies? It's eggshell, but theres yolk with the folk know what I mean ar har har har.....I have no idea what that means Im high. Continue.