What's being high from a vape like?


Sr. Verde

So I've never got high off a vape, what's it like as compared to bongs and pipes?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
It is absolutely different. It feels like a deeper longer lasting full body stone that settles in behind your eyes and doesn't let go. I love takling people for their first ride on a vape. 20 minutes after you are done it is like, yeah, it's kinda like that!


Active Member
oh man i love hitting the vape...it really gives me a great body high and keeps it going for a long time....great for helping me sleep

Straight up G

New Member
Maybe dank effects you all in different ways, after all you are not sharing the same brain...are you :shock:

gezzy da snowman

Well-Known Member
if its a volcano the high is intense i almost wrecked my car after my first encounter with that animal but its 600 dollars so get a loan for a grand from the bank because you are going to run 400 dollars of weed through it real fast


Well-Known Member
Yo I gotta Volcano about 2 and a half years ago and have been using it nearly everyday since. I use this thing 90% of the time when I'm getting high, maybe more.

The high from it, IMO, is much better. I like vaporizing weed a lot more than smoking it. The high kind of creeps up on you, cause it's so easy to smoke the stuff.
Vapor is the way to go, unless you can just cook it all the time and eat it.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have the Super Vapezilla and I don't regret the purchase. It was also a $600.00 date, but that was almost 3 years ago and I have saved 10x that amount in material.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats the truth, my Volcano has payed for itself maybe 3 times over now just because of how many times I've been smoked out because I own it.


Active Member
Body highs? What kind of vape are you guys using?

hell yea whenever i want a couch lock no matter what type of bud i puff if i put it in the vape....BAM! the couch is where i stay or if i want to sleep and i have some dank nugg i pack like half a normal pack and that puts me to sleep...maybe your vape hits you different but thats what happens for me there are a couple of times where i get the giggles from the vape but thats if i puff A LOT


Well-Known Member
Usually when I use my volcano I get like, a more heady high, like I can go outside and do stuff and enjoy walking around. Sometimes though with dominant sativa you will just be like...."daaaaaammmmnnn" and be stuck.
Personally, i owned the volcano and didn't like the vape that much. I mean yes it's healthier and all, but it just never felt like i was done with the session and before you know it i went through like 2.5 grams. That to me could have been 2.5 blunts or joints. It got me breezy, but when i smoke a equal amount in a blunt i was gooooone.

So all in all imo, its an acquired method of smoking. I like the pull of that blunt, the taste of the leaf and all, and easy to toss or eat in a sketchy situation.

Speaker Box D