WhatS better jarring or paper bagging?


Well-Known Member
I dry my buds until they are crisp outside then I put into jars right away opening and closing the lids as I see fit to the wetness or dryness of the buds
I heard that u should instead of putting in jars right away to put them in paper bags?
What's the purpose of this and does it help with the tasting of the buds at all? Cause I'm having problems with my buds taste


Well-Known Member
The bags are only to help all the buds dry out at the same rate regardless of size. When I just hung them dry, I got some small buds that came out over dry and the big ones seemed damp in the middle. The bags gave me a very even dry rate. My small stuff has the same texture as the bug buds.

You can still hang dry, just start jarring the small stuff first.
I always put mine into paper bags after I have trimmed them nicely during the curing/drying out process over the 5 to 7 day period. I use the jars after that and burp them as needed.


Well-Known Member
Paper bags for me, or a cardboard box...I live a good bit above sea level so everything dries really fast.


Well-Known Member
Hanging, paper bag, open jar, closed jar -- in order of faster to slower drying.

Use a hygrometer to figure out when to slow down or stop drying at the right times. More info in the H&C forum.

That's how I dooz it.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me why I can't get he taste out of my bud?
It def has the potency I'm just wondering why I can't get the taste?
The taste is very minimal does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
I'm doing everything but the paper bag technique