Whats causing this???? (pics)


Active Member
i'm no expert but i though plants reach up like that when they need to lose water (i.e. you may have over-watered or humidity is too high). also, they look kinda dark green.... too much nitrogen? like i said, i'm not an expert and still learning to diagnose as well, so see what others say.


Well-Known Member
It looks like heat stress. When the leaves canoe that means they're too hot, raise your light and put a fan on the tops of the plant. I see no signs of overwatering, the plants look really healthy otherwise.

Istaysmoking and Ilivefree don't give advice unless you know what you are talking about...
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Active Member
Hey Ganja, how about those purple stems, are they good, bad or irrelevent.

I;ve tried to keep the heat down as much as possible using a 1000w hps (overkill I know) in a small space.



Active Member
hey buddy, i gave advice and said i'm no expert, see what others say. don't hate man, we're all learning. some of you are wiser than others.


Active Member
Looks like a ph lock out on them not to bad just on some micro-nutes like Magnesium and sulfate the adjusted water should help out in about 3-4 days check them then also try watering with a 5.2-5.8 water to reduce soil ph levels


Well-Known Member
to hot for the curled leaves also causes the lighter green new growth. purple stems usualy due to stress do to nutes or pheno of strain. not to worry


Well-Known Member
I agree with ganjababy, it looks a lot like heat stress. I'm trying to remember why the leaves fold up, it has something to do with transpiration.


Well-Known Member
The folding of the leaves is definitely heat stress. I wouldn't give her anymore nutes until she needs them and then make adjustments.