What's fer lunch,,,,,

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If you want propper comte you gotta goto a bonafied cheesemonger who know's his stuff. I know that good real unpasturised cheeses are slowly starting to kick off in america but slowly but it's happening, i heard something about some weird underground cheese "ufo" some guys built, just a headline glance. If you can althouhg it might be a litle tricky, look to find some Marcel Petite comte (basically like with wines, the each comte is specifically chosen for certain traits etc, and then the buyer stores and ages it to their preference, it's some of the best stuff :) not quite sure what sharp cheddar is, i kow you have razy named things, sharp, white, lots of weird stuff. I just know 12-24 month unpasturised mature cheddars :) but either way applesmoked just rocks, bacon, cheese, applesmoke the world! Used to have a large smoker, you could hang half a cow in there if you wanted, used to get whole loins of pork, rub them down with over a kilo of herbs and spices and smoke that bad boy about 3 times throughout the day and night. Those and ox tongues :D

I have soup for me today, went to a big party over the long weekend and at some point maybe through sharing smokes picked up a muthafucker of a something, coughs are just beginning to kick in.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ftspbsdhiatftt does not compute! burgers are burgers! not cupcakes! first i'm told of a bouqet of roses made from pork, now burgers made from cream and sprinkles! Madness i say. Now trying to wokr out what a bartel dew taco is and you're top of google see4, help me out here, i appear to have become quite useless :D

these haha, throws me each time i see it :D


Well-Known Member

I'm pulling the thick cut out and peppering it up. All this talk of bacon.

Think I'll have to pull out a pork loin. Wrap it up in bacon and q that bitch up.

I just ate and I'm hungry again.



Pickle Queen

It's Bacon that makes the Burger.
Lol ok i'll see if i have some fondant i can tint and mold, i will post pics later tonight when done unless i fail or they are just plain ugly.

And those roses are just wrong, my mock food looks cute and tastes amazing, these are for the man, i'm trying to make manly cupcakes for him, the raindow cupcakes needed darker colours lmfao but he loves sprinkles