What's goin on here?PICS


New Member
What the deal... Why is it doing this... Do you think this is an indication of alot more growth? I figured i'd be harvesting about a week ago but this plant keeps getting fatter. Any advice would be appreciated.. Trichs 50/50 clear/milky..

You see how the tips are kinda strecthing...


King Skinz

Active Member
o_O that bitch looks ready to cut dry roll nd toke! its probably an indication of ripeness? I would cut it now before to late personally but you could wait if you wish to see what happens? I personally dont know lol post pics whatever you do!


Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
I would start flushing big time, you have alot of leaf burn. Flush with water then wait 15 mins and flush again. then I would wait a week and then harvest no more than a week and a half .


New Member
I would start flushing big time, you have alot of leaf burn. Flush with water then wait 15 mins and flush again. then I would wait a week and then harvest no more than a week and a half .
Are you saying flushing will make the leaf burn go away? I burnt my bitches about 2 weeks ago. Ph got messed with a high ppm feed.:sad:
plants take 28 days for nutes to be used up completely (very general rules apply), flushing will allow your plant to use these nutes while flushing any excess salts or other undesirables out of its system......it wont solve any burn problems( too late to worry about that anyway) but it will make final product much tastier

good luck


Well-Known Member
Are you saying flushing will make the leaf burn go away? I burnt my bitches about 2 weeks ago. Ph got messed with a high ppm feed.:sad:
i burned my bitch too a couple of weeks ago. like you the pH pen got messed and i didn't notice till i had the burns. it was then about 35 days into flowering!!


New Member
Ok so maybe i didnt make my point very clear. I was pretty high my bad..

My problem is that tips of the buds seem to be strecthing.. Its not just one bud its about half the plant.. Is it a stress sign? Its bag seed so i dont know what strain the plant is.. It looks to me of some type of hybrid. Some buds are round and base ball looking and some are little christmas trees.. The plant structure def. looks indica. Ill try to get some better pics of what i am talking about.. Peace Hope someone can lend a helping hand...


Active Member
I've always stopped using nutes for the last 2-3 weeks to purge the undesirables.

How long have you been flowering Flipside? Need to be careful because the plant will keep going but there's a threshold where you start to lose flavor and THC (7-9 weeks). I've had some buds as long as my forearm that tasted like smoking hay becasue I flowered too long. Nothing more frustrating than having giant dank looking nuggets that smoke like lawn clippings.


New Member
78days today... Unaware of this threshold.. My trich arent amber tho.. Since i dont know the strain i figured anware from 7-15 weeks flowering.. Im still working on getting more pics.. Kinda difficult for me but just hang loose the'll come.. Peace Flip


New Member
Thanks man its good to hear!! I really dont think she ready yet.. her trichomes are mostly milky.. No ambering yet and lots of white hair and new calyxes..I think its wierd that the calyxes are stretching.

Anyone other opinions would be greatly appreciated...


Active Member
some strains just grow like that. the leaf structure looks like a sativa so the flowering time will be a lot longer. I'd give it couple more days or so but watch it every day. do not give it any nuts. just plain ph water. the leaves look still so green. the plant has not used up a lot of nitrogen looks like. may be a harsh smoke. definitely flush.


Well-Known Member
the buds shape could strictly be genetics, By the look of the pics you are ready. But you need to flush it before hand for sure.


New Member
Yea started flushing today...I plan on flushing until most of the trichomes are amber.
Im kinda thinking these tops are gonna dry funny.. I dont plan on selling any so im gonna flush prolly 2 weeks on this one.. I hope they fatten up around the tips..