what's going on here.....?


Well-Known Member

Mild nute burn on the tips of the leaves. I'm not sure if there are bubbly spots on the leaves or if those are water drops. What do you notice?



Active Member
I'm aware of the nute burn, all plants have ceased to be fed for this reason, however, that's ONE plant, and the top that specified on is conflustering me


Well-Known Member

The white pistols (hairs) turning brown? That happens in later flower, some plants early - some late.

The different colour leaves are because the lower fan leaves are fading as they give their nitrogen to the rest of the plant. They'll eventually turn yellow and make the upper leaves look darker green.



Active Member
but why is that specific nug that color?is it the fact that its old/dieing im still confused and it kinda didnt smell pleasant, the rest of the garden has a wonderful array of scents, from the sweety sweets to something that smells absolutely so abhorrent I know it's guna b dank


Well-Known Member

Just changing colour as it matures. Some stains do it early, some late.

Don't worry, just follow Tennis1's advice.
