What's going on?? pics included


Some of the bottom/middle leaves on all my plants are turning brown at the tips and then curl up aand eventually turns the whole leaf yellow.. anybody have an idea on what this looks like? Just watered with 5ml florakleen and 5ml FFOF boomerang (1 gal ea plant) run off ph is 6.7 and run off pm is at 250. I use RO water and I add 160ppm of calmag every watering. FFOF soil temps at 74.

I do have a small thrip problem that I am fixing with FF don't bug me spray.



Well-Known Member
phosphorus deficiency due to high concentration of cal mg and potassium deficiency do to low phosphorus, and the dropping over watering or poor root structure.


Thanks for the reply, I have dolomite lime in the soil.. could the dolomite and additional calmag+ be too much, resulting in lockout/deficiencies?


Well-Known Member
not sure how much much mL to liters of water of cal mg you are using. but cal mg every water seems a lot