What’s going on? (Pics)


Well-Known Member
I didn't forget this thread, I've never seen that and to me it doesn't look like heat stress, which causes your edges to taco up, but I dunno? I've never seen this (I'm fascinated by your plant!)

The brown spots might be lack of calcium, but I'm not sure, you haven't fed any nutrients yet is that correct, and now I recall your in Cocoa, you have to supplement with cal-mag more frequently than in soil but again I don't know anything about Coco, have you considered moving this thread to Hydroponics? Do they have a form just for Coco? (they should!) Also low humidity.. Eh? I don't think it's causing that
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Well-Known Member
Correct My friend, coco/peat with guano and phosphorus and magnesium though, but I have only added water.

It does state it’s suitable for seedling to flowering with slow release nutrients that won’t burn etc.

I’m not sure on the whole closing up thing though, that does seem crazy! That would I guess suggest the plant didn’t want to photosynthesize and is hiding away, but my 250w hps can’t be doing that surely?

I have no idea how to move the thead to be honest; might be a good shout!

I’m going to keep a close eye on it from now.

I’m not sure if this is relevant, but I spilled some water drips on the leaves, and it seemed that where the drops were, the leaves browned? But I can’t confirm it was the same leaves. I thought maybe the water drop magnified the light and burned it; but this is me with no real knowledge just spit balling!
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Well-Known Member
And re the low humidity, I was checking out different picks of sick leaves and matching up what i thought mine looked like, and it came up with boron deficiency, and one of the causes is low humidity, so it seemed to stack up, but again I don’t really know!


Well-Known Member
U need calcium in coco, got to get you some coco Growers amigo?!

My humidity was 12 -22% most of December into January this year, it's not likely humidity, but I say that with reservations because I've never seen that so I don't know anything for sure about your crazy plant?! I do know I'd love a cutting from it though!

A moderator could move the thread or just start another one cuz I think a lot of people would want to see your plant!

Plus you need a coco growers help, you need somebody get you on a feeding program
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Well-Known Member
Ahh, maybe the humidity is not the problem then, wish I knew what was!

Sorry bud getting frustrated trying to use my phone to type, and the text disappearing off the screen and all sorts so I’m skipping some info! It does actually contain calcium also! An excerpt from the growing medium - Helps prevent deficiencies & improve nutrient uptake (contains Ca & Mg)

I’d happily send you a cutting, though not sure how that would work me being in the UK!

If a mod sees this, it’s be great if you could move it to the hydro section!


Well-Known Member
I was looking thru a few videos trying to find something that would help you, this guy is talking about his cocoa plants "praying" they're reaching up like yours, not as pronounced as yours and they're not as healthy either but it's the only thing I could find so far that had a similar issue

Also I believe the reason you've had those brown spots as you say, from the beginning.. is because the plants need some cal-mag probably calcium but I use the two together most of the time
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Well-Known Member
My point is don't depend on the Coco to provide nutrients, forget about what they say is in it, it's basically just a medium to hold the roots , you're going to have to start adding nutrients and you need to start adding cal-mag now, that's why I want to get you to some coco Growers

I'm going to say this and I really don't say this much but I would never recommend a noob use Coco (I would never recommend anyone use it) but I don't want to start a Coco vs. Soil war in here either, but I promise you you'll do better in soil. That doesn't help you now, I know, but it might help you going forward?


Well-Known Member
So they’re preying, he says so casually!

To be honest I thought it would be hassle free, nutrients already in there, plant and off you go!! So naieve!

I’ll probably run soil next, but in the meantime I’m gona go do some brushing up on nutrients and feeding programs!

Appreciate your help bud!


Well-Known Member
Also I looked up boron deficiencies, could be but still it goes back to your plant needing a solid, steady feeding program imho


Well-Known Member
So they’re preying, he says so casually!

To be honest I thought it would be hassle free, nutrients already in there, plant and off you go!! So naieve!

I’ll probably run soil next, but in the meantime I’m gona go do some brushing up on nutrients and feeding programs!

Appreciate your help bud!
Actually that's more like soil grows, some soil is so rich you never have to add anything to it if you're using a big enough bucket. Don't Panic you've done a great job so far, but the plants are hungry now

No problem I wish I could be of more help but I could help you with soil and I can help you with Hydroponics but I know nothing about Coco, but some people are doing great things with it, so...?


Well-Known Member
Don't know what you're going to feed but I use GH Flora 3 part because it's very simple to use and a zillion people are using it, so if you run into issues they'll be a lot of people to answer questions, also you going to need a Cal-Mag supplement going forward.

Also when you get a little bit more experience you can do anything with a 3 part formula, but that's down the road.. when you start any nutrients start at 25%, I'm pretty sure that's the same for Coco


Well-Known Member
My point is don't depend on the Coco to provide nutrients, forget about what they say is in it, it's basically just a medium to hold the roots , you're going to have to start adding nutrients and you need to start adding cal-mag now, that's why I want to get you to some coco Growers

I'm going to say this and I really don't say this much but I would never recommend a noob use Coco (I would never recommend anyone use it) but I don't want to start a Coco vs. Soil war in here either, but I promise you you'll do better in soil. That doesn't help you now, I know, but it might help you going forward?
Why couldn't he uproot the plant and replant into a decent soil medium? Its certainly small enough.
Its easier to grow in soil imo. Just a thought.
Interesting how it grows like a flower. Opens, closes, opens, closes.


Well-Known Member
Why couldn't he uproot the plant and replant into a decent soil medium? Its certainly small enough.
Its easier to grow in soil imo. Just a thought.
Interesting how it grows like a flower. Opens, closes, opens, closes.

I'm all for not using coco! I suppose that would be a good option if he's not determined to grow in the Coco!?

Yes the growth pattern of that plant is very unusual! I suspect it will grow out of it before long
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Well-Known Member
Well I guess it would be more of a taco.
I suppose it would be a continuum...the plant would taco first and if it still is transpiring more then uptake...then it would wilt.

I somehow think that this may be Mg related. They always talk about "praying for magnesium" but it may be this is an actual example.

I have a question Tuck. You said you watered with spring water. There can be lots of minerals in certain brands. Gives taste to the water...but not so great on plants. Too much calcium. This may also relate to the Mg issue I hinted at.