What's going on


Well-Known Member
Just transplanted her. Looked like there was salt build up in the soil but now taking time for her to suck water up wasn't doing fertilizer then plain water I was doing just fertilizer mixed with water but now I'm about to start a good water schedule of fertilizer then reg water then over again n so on. Any other tips of what I should do to help her
Lol. Need details ... What kind of nutrients? How many ppm/ec ....err or if you don't know how many ml/ltr or gal of what nutes
Type of medium
Size of containers
Etc etc
The more you give the more accurate someone's answer can be.
Lol. Need details ... What kind of nutrients? How many ppm/ec ....err or if you don't know how many ml/ltr or gal of what nutes
Type of medium
Size of containers
Etc etc
The more you give the more accurate someone's answer can be.
I'm using pH perfect trio micro, grow and bloom
I use 1 liter of water with the recommended amount of nutes to s liter. 160 watt light but I just ordered a new one with more watts. I use organic top soil mixed with perlite I definitely don't have enough perlite added that's for damn sure and I'm pretty sure it's a 5 gal plastic pot I also just topped a day after transplanting that was a week ago tomorrow
I'm using pH perfect trio micro, grow and bloom
I use 1 liter of water with the recommended amount of nutes to s liter. 160 watt light but I just ordered a new one with more watts. I use organic top soil mixed with perlite I definitely don't have enough perlite added that's for damn sure and I'm pretty sure it's a 5 gal plastic pot I also just topped a day after transplanting that was a week ago tomorrow
'the recommended rate'. There's 3 diff options on the bottle. How many ml/ltr of each are you using
Always add micro first. Then grow and bloom.