What's hapening here?

I transplanted today and today was a feed day so after the transplant I fed with 900 ppm. I checked the run off and the ppm was 1800. Why is it so high? Is this something to worry about or is it because of the fresh soil from the transplant. I'm using fox farm ocean forest and the plants are 3 weeks into veg. Do I need to hold off on the next feed and just water or is there something else I need to do? Thanks for any help.


Active Member
Most commercial soils contain enough nutrients for plants to feed for up to 3 weeks. If you fed them additional nutrients after you transplant them into fresh soil, you're likely to burn them. That's why your ppm was out of whack. I would suggest a good flushing with straight water to leach out the abundance of nutrients and make sure your soil's PH balance is at the the desired level .


Well-Known Member
If u check the ppm of ur soil run off it will not be accurate cuz there will be all kinds of materials in the water that will throw of the reading. Is there anything wrong with the plant or u just worried about the ppm? I would make sure ur soil run off ph is correct, that is very important or ur plants wont take the nutes u give em. Post pics if possible.

900 ppm might be a lil too high especially after transplant cuz ur plant needs time to recover. So maybe flush once the soil dries out again and feed with 500ppm work ur way up. FF ocean forest already has lots of nutes in it so u don't need to feed much during veg. Im using ocean forest in my closet grow rigght now and giving them 900-1100ppm at the end of flower.
Most commercial soils contain enough nutrients for plants to feed for up to 3 weeks. If you fed them additional nutrients after you transplant them into fresh soil, you're likely to burn them. That's why your ppm was out of whack. I would suggest a good flushing with straight water to leach out the abundance of nutrients and make sure your soil's PH balance is at the the desired level .

I did mix 25% perlite with the FFOF so that could explain the high reading on my tds. When you say flush w/ straight water should I ph the water to around 6.5 and then flush? Their in 1/2 gallon pots so does that mean I need to run 1 gal. of water through each pot?
If u check the ppm of ur soil run off it will not be accurate cuz there will be all kinds of materials in the water that will throw of the reading. Is there anything wrong with the plant or u just worried about the ppm? I would make sure ur soil run off ph is correct, that is very important or ur plants wont take the nutes u give em. Post pics if possible.

900 ppm might be a lil too high especially after transplant cuz ur plant needs time to recover. So maybe flush once the soil dries out again and feed with 500ppm work ur way up. FF ocean forest already has lots of nutes in it so u don't need to feed much during veg. Im using ocean forest in my closet grow rigght now and giving them 900-1100ppm at the end of flower.

I checked the ph run off as well it was 5.8 The water I feed with was ph'ed to 6.5. What is the ph of your run off? Should I be ph'ing the water higher? I have been feeding ever other watering (every other day). I could not believe the root ball they made in such a short time. Here is a pic they look a little droopy though.I will try a flush in a couple of days the soil should be drying out by then. I will let them recover and start feeding again. Please comment on the pic. IMGP1751.jpg


Well-Known Member
Doesnt matter what u add to it because u cant accuratly measure any soil runoff ppm. Perlite wont affect the tds.

Check the ph of ur soil run off first. Ph water to 7.0 and pour it in the pot. Not too much so u only get a liil run off. Make sure u collect the very first run off cuz that's the most accurate and ph it. If the ph of run off is higher the 7.0 then u will need to flush with 6.0 water or maybe even lower and if the run off is below 6.5 then I would flush it with more 7.0 water. There's a good thread on this in here just do a search. U want ur soil to be around 6.8.

Yeah u want to flush with atleast double the pot size.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if ur run off ph came out below 6 just keep flushing with 6.8 - 7.0 water untill ur run off is about the same. Then once ur soil dries out pour a lil phed water in and check run off again.

They look good but def overwatered n over fed.

DO NOT FEED THEM!! Anymore for week or two cuz like I said the soil has plenty of nutes already so just give em plain water. If ur using RO water add a lil bit of cal mag and that's it.

Do a search on FF OCEAN FOREST too acidic. U can add dolomite lime and couple other things to steady out the ph. Mine was actually really high. Last weekk my runoff jumped to 9 so I had to flush the shit out of them to get em back down. I have no idea why it jumped so high all of a sudden.
Thanks for the quick reply's lostNug in a couple day's after they dry out I will do the flush deal. This is my first dirt run, hydro is so much easier. When your ph jumped to 9 did you have to let them dry out in between flushes or did you just flush once with a really low ph?


Well-Known Member
No problem. From my experience soil is easier the hydro cuz if the ph jumps or drops like that in hydro the effects are much faster and more serious. Soil is more forgiving.

Yeah I just flush it all at once. I did about 6 gallons thruu each pot at 6.0 with a lil nutes and dropped it to 6.8.

I just posted some new pics of my ladies in flower if u wanna check em out. Links in my signature