Whats happening to my girls?!


I know they call it 'claws' and it's about over/under watering and humidity. But i don't have any problem with watering, my other girls are fine with watering periods.
What's wrong with these two girls?
I'm not sure about humidity because i'm keeping them in a balcony like greenhouse. Humidity level is %58, wheather is 28*C around the city.
What am i suppose to do?
Are they still going to give me buds? :(

By the way, sorry for my english :eyesmoke:



i havent got any material to know about pH.
i can say that i'm giving them fresh water and 10 days period nutrients.
you can see the list of nuts in the pic.


Well-Known Member
Bad genetic's plant's look stressed and are not going to give you anything worth smoking...cut your losses and start with good seed's! plant's are going back into vege mode!! don't know why but these ladie's lost there way!one pic look's like gray mold! to wet too high humidy heat stress minimun put more vent's to keep heat from building and making your plant's transpire so much!! don't give up over come your obsticle's my friend and enjoy the grow!! slow down on the water and keep there feet dry they like dry feet!! (THey also like water so find the happy median..when you water make sure at least 1/2 run's out the bottom of the pot this will help get oxygen to the root's as it enter's soil it will pull down oxygen for root's and it will be less likely to get overwatered! Use mycorrihaze for root's and keep all else the same....make sure your mix doesn't pack down and is light enough not to get root rot! Obviously a good spot to grow just the wrong genetic's look for a strain that does well in your condition's and start froom there... start with an "auto flowering strain" it will do what it need's you just help it and get the reward's when finished!!!Hope this helps! jackjiffy pot-use soiless next time!.jpgwall to wall bud!!.jpgT5's home depot 14 lamp 14 watt +2 200cfl's.jpg


Well-Known Member
you've got nitrogen claw from to much n. which should have been dialed by now in for you're stretch period n flowering. if youre in soil you can add sugar and water to sort this. get a ec/ppm meter
as for help dialing in youre nutes a bit better(need exp with the strain medium to be accurate) but can lend a hand if you put up the right info


you've got nitrogen claw from to much n. which should have been dialed by now in for you're stretch period n flowering. if youre in soil you can add sugar and water to sort this. get a ec/ppm meter
as for help dialing in youre nutes a bit better(need exp with the strain medium to be accurate) but can lend a hand if you put up the right info
really? shall i add sugar? how much? and why?


Active Member
I use grandma's un-sulfured molasses to add sugars to my girls. 1 tablespoon per gallon. Adds nice sugars and gives a good flavor to buds. I use with every water i give. Got to be un-sulfered though


i can't find it in my country, maybe i can order it but do you say adding sugar is the solution for my problem?


Active Member
I dont know what is wrong with those but if people think add sugar then un sulfured mollasses is the cheapest way. Cheap in price only not in quality


what about adding milk? why people adding milk into their soil?
ok i will start with buying a pHmeter. then we will see..


Well-Known Member
milk? Never heard of adding that to soil...maybe milk of magnesia(epsom salts). I did notice that the label you provided that specified the nutrient levels is missing a vital nutrient...calcium. Calcium is vital to cannabis in both veg and flower....but you do have much more than that going on. that is def a ph problem. The clawed top leaves and bubbles on the leaves are a sure sign of that.


Active Member
my wee granny used to use watered down milk on her roses (fuck nos why) they always looked the dogs bollocks get your ph sorted m8 i think thats whats wrong
what about adding milk? why people adding milk into their soil?
ok i will start with buying a pHmeter. then we will see..


Well-Known Member
the claw is a traditional sign of over fed, or nutes burn. could be weak genetics also. milk will spoil inside the plants.


milk? Never heard of adding that to soil...maybe milk of magnesia(epsom salts). I did notice that the label you provided that specified the nutrient levels is missing a vital nutrient...calcium. Calcium is vital to cannabis in both veg and flower....but you do have much more than that going on. that is def a ph problem. The clawed top leaves and bubbles on the leaves are a sure sign of that.
calcium = milk :)
would it be helpful?

i will buy a pH meter as soon as i can. which pH level is perfect?


my wee granny used to use watered down milk on her roses (fuck nos why) they always looked the dogs bollocks get your ph sorted m8 i think thats whats wrong
yeap i know. in my country, they're giving milk and even blood to weed. and nobody knows what is it for :)


Seriously guys... sugar? He doesn't even know what his pH is, and your telling him to add sugar?!

Codeinek, skip the sugar. Don't do that. You need to check your pH before you add anything else. Without knowing your pH and ppm/EC, you don't know what is going on with your plants.

Adding sugar and molasses only provides food to beneficial bacteria... the plant itself does not use it. And if you put too much, you'll be feeding bad bacteria that will eventually lead to root rot. The plants make their own sugars during photosynthesis, they don't uptake any. Healthy pH and ppm while using a complete nutrient, and you don't have to worry about feeding shit like sugar and milk to your plants.

People who create their own soil, compost, and teas use stuff like dried blood meal, bone meal, and other stuff like that. Right now all that is way beyond your level.

Before you go any further with your growing a pH meter is an absolute must, as well as a ppm/EC meter. If money is an issue, the pH meter is the priority. You simply cannot grow healthy bud without a pH meter. It's a tool you will use almost every day.