What's In Your Arsenal Pf RC's


Well-Known Member
As the title says guy what lovely molecules do you guys have and what would you recommend.I get my wages tomorrow and would like too add some more chemicals too my arsenal.
i currently have 2c-d,2c-e,2c-i,2c-p,2c-t-2,JWH-018 and 4-AcO-DMT.
what else would you guys recommend?
all suggestions are welcome.


Well-Known Member
what did you think about the 4 aco the batch i got was junk
it really wasn't what I thought it was going too be I took 100mg and the trip was still not even that intense don't get me wrong it was enjoyable but i definetly won't be purchasing it again.


Well-Known Member
Had some:


Have some:


Getting some:

nice choices there shep if you dont mind me asking how do you get your LSD?
through a vendor?
if so how the fuck did you find it lol ive looked for days and i literally mean days!or is it invite only?
also which is your favourite out of the JWH?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Yes, a vendor. lol.. also yes, invite only. At current, my favorite JWH is -073 by a long shot.


it really wasn't what I thought it was going too be I took 100mg and the trip was still not even that intense don't get me wrong it was enjoyable but i definetly won't be purchasing it again.
Holy shit, when I got that stuff 15~20mg tops. Have you done the conversion on that? That woulda been around a half ounce of shrooms.


Well-Known Member
HAD some,

waaaaaah all you guys with your LSD i wish i was as lucky as you!ive only had true acid twice!
5-meo-dmt is a definite im currently reading tryptamine palace by james oroc fascinating read!i was interested in 5-meo but now as im reading tryptamine palace im becoming almost obsessed with this molecule.
gogrow how do you rate 4-ho-dipt?


waaaaaah all you guys with your LSD i wish i was as lucky as you!ive only had true acid twice!
5-meo-dmt is a definite im currently reading tryptamine palace by james oroc fascinating read!i was interested in 5-meo but now as im reading tryptamine palace im becoming almost obsessed with this molecule.
gogrow how do you rate 4-ho-dipt?

as for the acid, it has it's way of finding you, I'm sure you'll luck up eventually...

the ho-dipt, IMO at least, can be avoided, though I'm still not gonna give up on its cousins as I've not tried any of them yet.


Well-Known Member
as for the acid, it has it's way of finding you, I'm sure you'll luck up eventually...

the ho-dipt, IMO at least, can be avoided, though I'm still not gonna give up on its cousins as I've not tried any of them yet.
im sure your ight on the acid front bud.
really i thought the 4-ho-dipt would have been quite nice,i might give it a go theres just so many out there too choose from im like a kid in a sweet shop!!


Active Member
Has anyone tried Dimethocaine? I'm pretty curious as to how it stacks up. An RC without the empathogen effects sounds pretty rockin' to me. =)


Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried Dimethocaine? I'm pretty curious as to how it stacks up. An RC without the empathogen effects sounds pretty rockin' to me. =)
Sucks ass, only good for its numbing effects, got no euphoria from snorting a 100mg line, no experience with coke.


Active Member
lame! lol

That's what I've been reading everywhere tho... oh well. Seems like most of the RCs emulate either e or acid... I'm just really not a fan of the empathogen effects. What about 3-(p-Fluorobenzoyloxy)tropane or 4'-Fluorococaine? Thanks for the info btw. You guys rock!


New Member
Have 2ce. 2cp, DXM powder..
dxm isn't a research chemical. my buddy who is currently majoring in chemistry on his 7th year is synthesizing 3c-e from the phikal, following everything exactly in hopes that everything is going to come out alright. he is going to dose while i sit for him then the other way around. i will write a report on it within the next week. this will be my first RC.