What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

Looks like 8 pressed mushrooms tabs. Hmm. SWIM's cabinet was heavily stocked with 2c's at one period.

2c-b is a novelty. It's the icing on the cake when compared to other phenethylamines.

That's an atrocity. I would retract that photo and give a better glimpse to all those innocent onlookers in search of a good Bromo-Mescaline fix. :D

Eh. I don't know what to call it a realization or epiphany of sorts but I realized that the best methods of MDMA synthesis come from iodination and bromination. Hence, the bromide amine of a phenethylamine 2C-B! :D
I still have it. I will get another pic up here in a minute! :D
Still cant believe I passed on a fat batch of these recently....fml


All in one sentence. Yikes. Would I fume with, "Fuck my life." After, not supplemented SWIM with jarfuls of these beautifully crafted 2C-B tabs. Probably so. :lol:
sorry, spaced out there for a minute! :p

This cam is garbage....Need My new slr to show up already!


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When I pack the Sandy Powder in a 00 capsule and let the bass balance. I'll make sure to have this echoing off in the background.

Molly will take me on a dark and long (train). :D



I just hope this disturbing image is not playing in the background! :lol: