whats my plant doing

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Strange. Are you growing out a Sat dom? I had something like that happen to my JH. In other words, I'm pulling up a seat here. I ain't got a clue.

You gotta be doing a Sat dom with those buds the size they are and being 7 weeks in.


Active Member
Its deffenatly re-vegging but I cant tell you why, it could be stress but stress usually causes hermie, a light leak is possible but not really in the basement. chech your timer, when i had my grow box my first timer took a surge and stoped working it would only turn off for one hour a day no matter what setting. Just to make sure its not a light leak, set your timer to be off at night so there is little sun out

mushroom man

Active Member
i got other plants in that room ,shes not my only one ,and the others r fine i will take some pics and post them


Well-Known Member
Mine did the same thing 8 weeks into flower.. branched out with the single bladed leaves... revegged and still is flowering to this day... weird. I've harvested the bottom that finished, but the new branching probably has another 6 weeks at least. Been flowering like a total of 103 days I think now, but your garden does like nice man. good job...


Active Member
I'm going with tard seed or gebetics or some thing. I really never seen aplant re vegg with others that flower. maybe it needs less light? but that sounds dumb too, u got ur self a "medical" mystery


i had something similar with big bud 2 years ago . all other strains were great and that one did that .i just chalked it up 2 shitty genetics . i'm going to pay attention to this post cause i always wondered for sure what it was 8)