Whats Ron Pauls Jobs Plan

dukeanthony you still havent answered any of my questions I asked the other day....

I'll repost it.

I want your opinion on the following... Since you can't seem to tell the diffrence between an asshole and a vagina.....

-Fractional Reserve Banking.
-Bank Runs.
-M1, M2, MZM? If you have studied these numbers you would understand our monetary system is unsustainable.
-QE1, QE2, the soon to come QE3?
-What is your opinion on JP Morgan? They make 1-2% per transaction on EBT transactions. They also hold all the silver. In 2009 when there was a run on the silver, JPMorgan did not have it. what is your opinion?
-JP Morgan is one of the primary private shareholders of the Federal Reserve, what is your opinion on this?
-What's your opinion of the Fed being able to create their own profit?


-Have you read H.R. 1540? The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. Have your read the section about rare earths? what's your opinion?
- How about Wachovia Laundering 378 billions dollars from 2004-2007 and paying only a 160 million dollar fine that was [1 / 2,362] of the crime itself? nobody was arrested?


But Really, you look like very uneducated when you try to defend a central banking system.

Think about this. The Fed only creates $1usd and they lend It to the US government. Explain to me how we pay interest.. example 10 cents, on that dollar, if that is the only dollar in circulation? it is absolutely impossible because that money to pay interest simply doesn't exist.

Get rid of the Fed and the IRS no longer collects a "federal income tax" from you. that goes directly to the pockets of the private shareholders of the Fed like I said before.
Which in turn eliminates any reason for an IRS.
The Federal Reserve is the biggest ponzi scheme of all time. They directly control our currency and have been fucking things up since 1913. They are the reason the great depression happened, along with every other financial mishap in the last 100 years. They are directly responsible for the jobs in this country.

Do you care to answer them now?
Ron Paul would like to remove our troops from the Middle east. Close a lot of bases that are antiquated and not necessary as our Military is a swifter one. That money there would be spent on infrastructure and the ones working on the infrastructure would spend their earnings at home instead of Germany and other foreign lands. The people who have a job working on the infrastructure would be more apt to buy a house and certainly would at least rent and there would be more earned taxable income. Win-Win

To those obsessed with bestiality grow up or stop posting please.
Nope not in the least bit

I will say and I havent been wrong yet
Ron Paul Supporters are (pick 2)
-Conspiracy freaks

I'm a Ron Paul supporter. I'm not a stoner or a racist. However, I know we have been lied to about 9/11; does that make me a conspiracy freak?
So he wants a Strong dollar to get people to buy American?
He wants to cut capital gains?

Did you even watch it? lmao

his plan is to give us more money and jobs if you want a Ron Paul jobs plan for dummies there it is, more money and more jobs...it is really that simple...bring the troops home, eliminate taxes, thats more money and jobs bro....its definitly more money and jobs then all the other politicians shiity "plans", like high speed rail and regulations that cater to corporate interest which is no money or jobs. Wheres fucking obamas jobs plan? he doesn't have one, if he did it wouldn't be realistic...Just listen to this crappy idea to "create jobs" ...more like give a dozen of his corporate butt buddies a job and tax the people and hurt small business...and take another stab at the American dream....Yea Kick it while its down!

We will make businesses have to buy outrageously expensive stuff and put the burden on the people...uh uh and uh ... We will make the stuff so expensive that they will get loans they can't afford and so expensive that only a you can afford it johnson..thats where you come in......uh uh.....uh...ummm.this will create over 40 jobs....carbon taxes will somehow pass money onto consumers....uh ummmmmm and then we are going to build a uhhhh train yea high speed real like china its going to be freaking sweat...and we can build it just like the Chinese built our first rail roads...yea we will use prison labor...right after we bust all the potheads, thats it will use potheads...now lets buy a few more people Medicaid and we will call it universal health-care and then we can make em smoke pot with a doctors recommendation so they will go into slavery. To the Bat Mobile Johnson...

what? How the hell do you guys think this dude even gives a rats ass about you?