What's the average cost in your area for green??


Asshole Patrol
Im in the Pacific Northwest, Seattle are, and even though Im now growing my own I still keep an eye on the local prices. A few years ago I could seriously count on my guy throwing a handfull into a baggie, knowing it was more than a oz, and hand it over for around $250.00. Today, if you dont have a scale with you when you pick up, you get somewhere around 25g for $300.00!!

Everyone thinks they have "The Shit!" or "All Organic!!" or "Pure Kronik!!" Whatever the hell all that means!! So they assume that its Ok to up the price and down the weight... I think over the past two years I have had four or five different people try to pull that on me. Typically I'll just hand it back to them and tell em its not worth it.

Anyone else running into the same thing??


Well-Known Member
i can get green crayons at wally world very cheap,

there are tons of threads on this site about adverage costs


Active Member
I'm not sure what the average price is cause I usually get my weed from my friends but I can get 4 grams for $30 and 6 for $40 and so on and its pretty good stuff not the best but not the worst. I'm in the US, GA


Well-Known Member
I'm from Atlanta and prices are usually between 300 and 450 for an Oz. of some really good stuff.... but i don't let them cut the weight thats just bullshit. If I'm paying for an ounce I'm getting an ounce.


Too many brownies
Down in south florida I used to pay me neighbor $50 for an 1/8 of either white widow or northern lights, which my other neighbor grew.


I was in Greensboro, NC last night and an ounce of the dirtiest of beaster was sold for....$350. I shit myself. Thank God the guy that bought it wasn't someone I knew. Poor guy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the beasters we can get are not as good as they used to be. Dude can only get 40 an eigth for them now.

I usually pay 120. an oz for mid and 50-70 for an eigth of NL,WW,AK,BB or Diesel.


Well-Known Member
on the street £25 8th up to £200 oz for me £100 oz but i sel so i dont by it much


Well-Known Member
sum one oferd me sea bar for £3 an 8th i told them to fuck of. do you no any one that smoks that shit?