whats the average yeild for cfl growers?


Well-Known Member
iv searched like a mad man and found a few total yeilds of grows however most journals or diarys just seem to come to an abrubt end without any saying of yield.

im wondering as my 4 plants approach 6 weeks of flower what sort of yeild can i expect from them, im sorta clueless as to what to expect dry.

below are a few pics of them

some have told me not 2 expect anymore than 20-30g a plant some have said easily about 60g a plant, so im not really sure what to expect

only reason i ask is so i can plan my next grow, once i know how much im gonna roughly yeild this time i can see how long it will last me


Well-Known Member
well dry weight is 70-80% less than wet weight,,,so do the math,,,,,,,,,,,peace,,,,,,,they look good btw.


Well-Known Member
iv searched like a mad man and found a few total yeilds of grows however most journals or diarys just seem to come to an abrubt end without any saying of yield.

im wondering as my 4 plants approach 6 weeks of flower what sort of yeild can i expect from them, im sorta clueless as to what to expect dry.

below are a few pics of them

some have told me not 2 expect anymore than 20-30g a plant some have said easily about 60g a plant, so im not really sure what to expect

only reason i ask is so i can plan my next grow, once i know how much im gonna roughly yeild this time i can see how long it will last me
What kind of CFL lighting setup do you have?


Well-Known Member
sorry my bad should have stated in my 1st post, for the veg period (4 weeks) i used just a single 250w envirolite, then started flower with a single 250w envirolite, now after the 4th week of flower to present (last couple of weeks) iv been running a total of 625w of cfl, 375w of which red spectrum and 250w of which blue spectrum.

would it be unreasonable for me to assume lets say 2 ounces dry weight out of each of my plants?


Well-Known Member
sorry my bad should have stated in my 1st post, for the veg period (4 weeks) i used just a single 250w envirolite, then started flower with a single 250w envirolite, now after the 4th week of flower to present (last couple of weeks) iv been running a total of 625w of cfl, 375w of which red spectrum and 250w of which blue spectrum.

would it be unreasonable for me to assume lets say 2 ounces dry weight out of each of my plants?
They look really great! But, I would say its not likely that ur gonna get 2oz from each plant when dried... not saying its not possible though.

Why dont you keep us all updated and let us know how much you end up getting??!!!


Well-Known Member
Im not sure about envirolites but if it was a 250w hps you were using I could of helped you out a little , The weights you got were about right ,
The most novice growers will hav about 20-30g per plant as long as they get longer than a 3 week Vegg

60G a plant when you get 1-2 grows behind you and start lst topping what ever you find improves your yields for your own personal grow space

If you want to be realistic set you sights on the 20g per plant mark and any thing more will be a nice bonus instead of expecting 2 oz per plant and ending up with 20g per plant
Im speaking from my own experance btw haha


Well-Known Member
yea 2oz a plant of a first time grow with CFL isn't un-heard of but is not the norm..... i think high4life has the best answer here, set your expectations low and try and improve on that with your next grows.... and most importantly remember how you got that improvement.....


Well-Known Member
yeh id be happy with whatever yeild i get to be honest, im gonna guestimate about 20g per plant and work my next grow timing around that i reckon


Well-Known Member
exactly, more than anything im just really looking forward to blazing with my own grown bud, watched em grow from lil babies to these wonderful fully blossomed budded ladys lolll


Well-Known Member
thats why we all do it buddy :) well most of use, some do it for pure profit... don't think there many of those kind of people on here though...