Whats the best kind of grinder to get?


Well-Known Member
You are born with the best grinder in the world. YOUR DAMN HANDS!!! We shouldnt be lazy, i mean what is this world coming to??? Grinders, rollers, and all that lazy shit! And besides, who really likes it when grinders break your weed down to smaller than fine cut dip???


Well-Known Member
Definitely a metal four chamber grinder with a screen so that you can grind and catch all the precious dust......I use it for joints or to add to my resin to make glorious bowls ^_^


Well-Known Member
This is a 20 dollar Braun Coffee Grinder,,,,yes it plugs in and can't go everywhere with ya,,but at home,,drop a nug touch the button 2-3 times,,and voila,,perfectly ground bud in about 2-3 seconds,,no effort,,I've had this thing about 3-4 years,,never been really cleaned out,,I just tap and roll,,is there a way to clean the lid without scrapin it,,gotta be a lotta shit on it,,sometimes the button sticks:hump::joint::blsmoke::mrgreen:

Keep on Growin

We use a small (1/2 1n.) brush to clean the trichromes out of the lid. As far as the button jamming, after a while I just shove the plug in and out as the grinder is permanently ON.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I like a 4 piece grinder because it falls through once its at the right smoking blend size. Then it sits on the screen waiting to be smoked, and if it gets shaked around any kief that rubs off falls through the screen.

With a two piece grinder you have to grind it and then dump it on a surface which is annoying as hell if you smoke a lot. So just grind up a bunch and it's just chillin there waiting to be smoked..

I think the space case grinders are the best but they cost between like $30-$110. You can get them at vapeworld.com for a good price

I've had my case over a year, use it basically every day. The teeth are still razor sharp...

but get whatever my .02
4 piece sharpstone herb grinder with a clear top. works great. never gets stuck regardless of how sticky your bud is and you can see your herbs as you grind them. plus, and this is the kicker, it has a kief catch which i love as it's always nice to sprinkle some kief on a bowl.