Whats the best method for starting outdoors


Active Member
what the best method for starting outdoors if you cant grow them inside and move them out
would it be germinating or just putting the seed in the soil kind thing


Well-Known Member
Either way ur definatley gonna wanna germinate. And depending on your light cycles. and the weather. You can literally plant them. And leave them and never have to do anything to them and they can grow. Where are your from. p.s. dont be to specific.


Active Member
im from new england
and i put a couple of germinated seeds outside last friday do you think they would have popped up yet because its been rainy the last couple days


Well-Known Member
Im also in new england. well. Just give them some time. The light cycles around here are great for growing. i can hearvest in about september. when the light goes 12/12 in like july-augustish if i remember correctly. But, it still get to cold at night for them. Bring them babies inside. Keep them warm. You really shoulda germinated them. Before to long you'll be able to bring them inside. If you got MSN messenger or Yahoo messenger nadd me i can probably help u alot more. element549@hotmail.com tripp549@yahoo.com or if you have AOL jus give me ur Address and i can add u to MSN. But, i can definatley help you alot considering were both in new england.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Florida and I'm germinating WW right now. after i germ. should i just plant that in a pot and set it outside. it's almost May so the "last frost" is definetly gone.


Well-Known Member
It really all depends joker. Iv'e no doubt that it warm enough during the day. Its the night u need to worry about. I Havent myself. but ive seen alot of people make that mistake. It stays pretty warm in florida though. so i dunno. Im pretty sure like nightime temp of 60-65 is primo temp. Dont quote me on that either... im not 100% sure. But if it stays above 60 during the night. You should be fine. Just make sure there at a place where they can get plenty of sun during they day.


Well-Known Member
ya definetly, also we always no when it's gonna be a cool night. i think the problem will be the summer. it gets in the 90's so i think they would fry.


Well-Known Member
Well, im not sure. it gets around 90's up here sometimes during the summer. just make sure they get plenty of water. and ur gonna want them in a place where they can get some shade throughout the day.