whats the best soil for a 3-5 plant grow cabnet

jeb cornfield

Active Member
hey whats up everyone just wondering what would be the ultimate soil for a 3-5 plant grow cab. its under a 250w air cooled. whats the ratio for plant size compared to the size of the pot its in thanks


Well-Known Member
i feel comofortable with my soil, plagroon......


and the pots, well i for one am allways a little amazed on how they outgrow my expectations, like the big bang... just seem'd to grow and grow and grow.. and that was in a 3.8 litre pot or so.

so yeah. u will be fine with 4 litre pots........

jeb cornfield

Active Member
thanks DWR plagroon is that a brand of soil ? and where would ya get it? yeah they always do better than i expect but iv been outdoor for the most part . i was thinking some seaweed horse manure some nice compost think that would work or so i go with plagroon or somehting like it


Well-Known Member
thanks DWR plagroon is that a brand of soil ? and where would ya get it? yeah they always do better than i expect but iv been outdoor for the most part . i was thinking some seaweed horse manure some nice compost think that would work or so i go with plagroon or somehting like it

I aint so sure about advanced stuff for ya earth...

But yeah Plagroon is a brand name.. they have plagroon grow mix, roaylity mix and some other ones..

I got it from an onlineshop :)